H.R. No. 414

WHEREAS, March 2, 2003, marks the 76th anniversary of the founding of Elsa, in Hidalgo County, and this event affords an ideal opportunity to recognize the contributions of this city's residents to the state's richly woven tapestry; and WHEREAS, Elsa is situated on what was once part of the Llano Grande land grant, issued by Spanish authorities to Juan José Ynojosa de Ballí in 1790; the surrounding area was settled before 1800 by ranchers who introduced cattle and sheep and a variety of crops; and WHEREAS, In the early 1900s, Anglo-Americans began making their homes in the vicinity, lured by the possibilities for developing truck farms; at one time, the Delta area was home to some of the largest canning and packaging companies anywhere in the world; today, agriculture continues to constitute a major source of the county's economy, and Hidalgo County ranks first in the state in the market value of its crops; and WHEREAS, The community of Elsa was laid out beside the Texas and New Orleans Railroad in 1927 and named for Elsie George, wife of a local landowner; at its incorporation in 1940, Elsa's population numbered just over 1,000, and today more than 5,500 Texans call it home; and WHEREAS, Deeply committed to their youth and to civic participation, residents of Elsa helped in 1997 to create the Llano Grande Center for Research and Development; a nonprofit organization based in Elsa, the center works to nurture the talents and leadership potential of area students and to strengthen the community fabric; among the many successes of which it can boast is a college preparation and placement program, begun informally several years earlier, that saw more than 51 students from Edcouch-Elsa High School admitted to Ivy League universities between 1993 and 2001; and WHEREAS, The residents of Elsa honor their history and are building a forward-looking community that draws on the strengths of all its people; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize March 2, 2003, as the 76th anniversary of the city of Elsa and extend best wishes to all its residents for a bright and prosperous future. Pena ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 414 was adopted by the House on March 10, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House