78R8410 MW-D

By:  Brown of Kaufman                                             H.R. No. 439

WHEREAS, Four talented students from Crandall High School have achieved an outstanding accomplishment by qualifying for the 2002-2003 University Interscholastic League Cross-Examination Meet being held on March 9-15, 2003, at The University of Texas at Austin; and WHEREAS, This year's Crandall team includes first-place qualifiers Whitney Tolley and Ansley Miller and second-place qualifiers Robin Honeycutt and Monica Jasso; and WHEREAS, The students' sponsor, April Caldwell, is to be commended for providing her young charges with the drive and inspiration they need to do their very best in this rigorous match of intellectual abilities; and WHEREAS, In addition to honing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, these determined young people had to prepare for this year's debate topic by extensively researching the issue of public health services for mental health care in the United States; and WHEREAS, Through their participation in the state meet, the members of the Crandall High School team become eligible for Texas Interscholastic League Foundation (TILF) scholarships; this year TILF will award an estimated 700 new and renewed TILF grants totaling $1,380,000 to deserving students; and WHEREAS, These accomplished young Texans have brought well-deserved recognition to their school and to their community with their exemplary performance in scholastic competition, and their intelligence and perserverance will no doubt serve them well throughout the years to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Whitney Tolley, Ansley Miller, Robin Honeycutt, and Monica Jasso, as well as their sponsor, April Caldwell, for their participation in the 2002-2003 UIL Cross-Examination Meet and extend to them best wishes for success in this year's competition; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for these students and their sponsor as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.