78R7634 RVH-D

By:  Alonzo                                                       H.R. No. 502

WHEREAS, In February 2003 the members of the National Governor's Association issued a policy statement recognizing that states will continue to face budget shortfalls that may total more than $80 billion for fiscal year 2004; and WHEREAS, Weak growth in the economy has caused nearly all states to experience a drastic decline in revenues for each of the last three years; in its Fiscal Survey of the States, the National Governor's Association found that total state tax collections fell by six percent in 2002, even as spending grew by 1.3 percent; and WHEREAS, State administrators of federal programs must grapple with complying with the federal changes for health care coverage, education, and homeland security while facing huge budget deficits; and WHEREAS, State administrators also must make the difficult decision of raising taxes or cutting vital services at a time when the need for health insurance coverage by low-income children, the elderly, and disabled adults is greatest and at a time when the cost of prescription drugs and the delivery of medical services is soaring; and WHEREAS, In October 2002 the states lost $1.2 billion that had been appropriated by the congress to provide health care coverage under the State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) when that money reverted to the federal treasury because it was unclaimed by the states; despite appeals from the states to do so, the congress did nothing to restore the funding; and WHEREAS, If a bipartisan compromise on the allocation of S-CHIP funds is not reached by the congress this year, the states are scheduled to lose yet another $1.5 billion in October 2003; and WHEREAS, Forty-two states are planning to cut some optional Medicaid services in fiscal year 2004, including prescription drug coverage and coverage for children and pregnant women just above the poverty line; and WHEREAS, Federal funding should increase for education spending under a provision in the No Child Left Behind Act that requires states to test elementary and secondary students regularly in reading and mathematics and for aid to the states for the cost of educating children with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and WHEREAS, The current appropriations bill signed earlier this month contains only $1.3 billion for state and local governments to pay for counterterrorism training and equipment; yet, an earlier version of the appropriations bill contained $3.5 billion; the total appropriation for counterterrorism does not provide enough money to protect against terrorist attacks on American soil; and WHEREAS, The states are now entering their third year with declining revenues and cannot face a future with even less revenue to carry out federal program obligations; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby request the President of the United States to recognize that Texas and nearly every other state is in fiscal crisis and that cutting services and funding to the states should be a last resort; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the chief clerk of the Texas House of Representatives of the 78th Legislature forward an official copy of this resolution to the President of the United States.