78R9074 PCM-D

By:  Rodriguez                                                    H.R. No. 520

WHEREAS, The Honorable Joaquin Castro is having a year he will never forget, or at the very least live down, for in addition to serving his first legislative session as a state representative, he holds the somewhat mortifying distinction of having recently been designated a bona fide heartthrob by Latina magazine as well as the downright embarrassing position of having admitted to a public audience that he has danced around his home in boxers like Tom Cruise in Risky Business; and WHEREAS, One of the most eligible bachelors highlighted in the magazine's February 2003 issue, Representative Castro is a native Texan who was born just one minute after his identical twin brother Julián on Mexican Independence Day; the son of grassroots political activist Rosie Castro, he was reared on San Antonio's west side and was taught early on the importance of serving his community, a value that no doubt helped to propel him into the public spotlight where he finds himself today; and WHEREAS, No slouch around the library, this veritable brainiac graduated from Jefferson High School and went on to graduate with honors from Stanford University and to earn a J.D. from Harvard University, all with one arm tied behind his back; and WHEREAS, Now juggling the duties of a busy legal practice with the mantle of public service, this dapper Democrat is known to approach the responsibilities of his office with thoughtfulness and due consideration of the best interests of his constituents, and it is hoped that in the days ahead his newfound fame will not necessitate the posting of a guard outside the meeting rooms of the House Committees on Border and International Affairs and Juvenile Justice and Family Issues to ward off his many admiring fans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Joaquin Castro on his selection as one of the most eligible bachelors highlighted in the February 2003 issue of Latina magazine and extend to him sincere best wishes for a little time off for good behavior at some point during this legislative session to determine just how many readers the magazine has in his hometown and to fully enjoy his status as a well-publicized dreamboat; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Castro as an expression of good-natured ribbing by his colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives.