H.R. No. 582

WHEREAS, March 25, 2003, is National Diabetes Alert Day, and representatives of the American Diabetes Association are visiting the State Capitol to call attention to issues and initiatives concerning this disease; and WHEREAS, The fifth deadliest disease in the United States, diabetes affects approximately 17 million people and costs Americans more than $100 billion each year; the disease is most common among senior citizens, as well as persons of Latino, African American, Native American, and Asian American ancestry, and 2,700 new cases are diagnosed each day; and WHEREAS, Every 24 hours, 1,200 people in this country die from diabetes or diabetes-related illnesses, while an additional 75 people lose their eyesight; each day, 180 amputations are performed as a result of diabetic illnesses and 120 people begin treatment for end-stage kidney disease resulting from diabetes; and WHEREAS, Those suffering from diabetes either produce inferior insulin or lack the ability to produce insulin at all; common symptoms include fatigue, increased hunger, and extreme thirst as well as more severe symptoms such as blurred vision, persistent infections, and unexplained weight loss; and WHEREAS, Diabetes continues to become more prevalent in the lives of Americans, and it is important to recognize the warning signs of this deadly disease and to implement life changes that will decrease the risk of developing diabetes; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby join in the observance of National Diabetes Alert Day and recognize March 25, 2003, as Diabetes Day at the State Capitol. Capelo ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 582 was adopted by the House on March 25, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House