78R10266 MMS-D

By:  Naishtat                                                     H.R. No. 602

WHEREAS, The cause of international education has no greater champion than Dr. Joe W. Neal, whose efforts, extending over more than 60 years, have enriched thousands of lives and fostered innumerable ties of friendship and respect; and WHEREAS, A nationally recognized leader in international education, Dr. Neal earned bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in government at The University of Texas at Austin (UT); in 1941, after receiving his M.A., he was appointed coordinator of interamerican student activities for the UT Institute of Latin American Studies; that assignment was followed by a stint with Nelson Rockefeller's Office of the Coordinator of Interamerican Affairs in Washington, D.C., and service with the U.S. Army during World War II; and WHEREAS, Discharged from the military with the rank of colonel in 1946, he returned to UT to serve both in the classroom and in administration; originally a lecturer in the Department of Government, he retired from teaching in 1985 as professor emeritus in the Department of Speech Communication; and WHEREAS, In 1946 Dr. Neal accepted the directorship of what was then UT's International Office, assuming responsibility for all international students at the university; over the next four decades he also became heavily involved in developing educational programs abroad; among the myriad international projects he managed were programs to retrain all of the English teachers in the Republic of China, develop human resources in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and prepare Peace Corps volunteers for service in more than half a dozen different countries; and WHEREAS, After 42 years at its helm, Dr. Neal retired from the Office of International Programs in 1988 to become president and CEO of the recently established Texas International Education Consortium (TIEC); comprising a number of public universities in Texas, TIEC develops and implements international education projects around the world; Dr. Neal led TIEC until 1996, when he became president emeritus; and WHEREAS, A cofounder of TIEC, Dr. Neal also helped to establish the Association of International Education Administrators, Texas Association of International Education Administrators, and National Association for Foreign Student Affairs; and WHEREAS, In addition to the extensive work he has accomplished in a professional capacity, Dr. Neal has given generously of his time and expertise to the volunteer organization Partners of the Americas and its chapter in Texas; a former president of the state affiliate, he has overseen that group's projects in Mexico and Peru; and WHEREAS, Locally, Dr. Neal was a driving force behind the creation of the International Hospitality Council of Austin (IHCA), which arranges professional development and hospitality programs for visiting students, business leaders, and government representatives; in tribute to Dr. Neal's extraordinary service in behalf of international education, the IHCA has created a scholarship in his honor, and it is presenting this award for the first time on March 28, 2003, at the IHCA's Second Annual Consular Ball; and WHEREAS, Throughout his long and distinguished career, Joe Neal has helped thousands of individuals from abroad to pursue their dreams, while contributing immeasurably to the development of priceless cross-cultural bonds and understanding; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Dr. Joe W. Neal for his lifetime of service to international education and extend to him its deep appreciation for the innumerable friends his endeavors have gained for the Lone Star State; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Neal as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.