H.R. No. 620

WHEREAS, A 71st birthday is truly cause for a celebration, and on May 1, 2003, Raymond Cooper of Wylie is marking just such an occasion in his life; and WHEREAS, Born in Garland, Mr. Cooper grew up in a close-knit family with 11 older siblings; this successful entrepreneur founded Universal Transformer Company in 1957 and is widely admired for his achievements as a businessman and as a community leader in his home of 30 years, Wylie; and WHEREAS, Mr. Cooper has long contributed his time, energy, and resources to the betterment of his community; he funded the first college scholarship awarded to a student in the Community Independent School District, and he also donated a field and concession stand for the city's first ballpark; and WHEREAS, His service has greatly benefited the Collin County Hospital Board, the North Texas Municipal Water District Board, the Wylie Economic Development Board, the Downtown Merchants Association, the Wylie Lions Club, and the Wylie Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Mr. Cooper is an active supporter of the Wylie FFA Club, the Women's League, and the Smith Public Library, and, over the course of the past decade, this esteemed gentleman has played a pivotal role in the development of the Wylie Christian Care Center, which assists thousands of people each year; not only did Mr. Cooper donate the land for the facility and help to coordinate its volunteers, but he also participates in fund-raising efforts each year in an effort to establish a permanent endowment fund for the center; and WHEREAS, In recognition of his many good works, Mr. Cooper has been honored in the past as one of the most influential citizens of Collin County as well as Citizen of the Year by the Wylie Chamber of Commerce, and his 70th birthday was proclaimed Raymond Cooper Day in Wylie; and WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Cooper enjoys the love and support of his devoted wife of 50 years, Sue, and their children, Jan Morgan and Chris and Mark Cooper; and WHEREAS, Raymond Cooper continually demonstrates a selfless commitment to his fellowman, and his birthday provides a fitting opportunity to recognize him for the positive impact he has had on the countless individuals whose lives he has touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Raymond Cooper on the occasion of his 71st birthday and commend him for his outstanding leadership in behalf of the citizens of Wylie; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Cooper as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Laubenberg Madden ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 620 was adopted by the House on March 28, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House