H.R. No. 648

WHEREAS, The orderly functioning of the Texas House of Representatives during the Regular Session of the 78th Legislature has been greatly enhanced by the fine work of Chief Clerk Robert Haney and his dedicated and highly competent staff; and WHEREAS, Committed to providing quality service in a timely manner, these individuals perform a host of vital duties that include processing all house bills and certain committee paperwork and coordinating the flow of the legislative workload; moreover, the Chief Clerk's Office preserves a record of all coauthors and joint authors who sign on to legislation, maintains and distributes district, biographical, and membership information concerning current representatives, and forwards certified copies of original legislation to house committee chairs; and WHEREAS, Working under the informed direction of Chief Clerk Haney are Deidra Garcia, bill clerk; Rahul Sreenivasan, April Thedford, and Natalie Taylor, assistant bill clerks; Brandon Benson, night clerk; Julio De La Llata, senate messenger; Shannon Steward and T. C. Turner, reading clerks; and Marion Wilford, floor assistant; and WHEREAS, The professionalism and conscientiousness of each staff member have contributed immeasurably to the productivity of this legislative session, and these hard-working public servants may reflect with pride on the pivotal role they are playing in the work of the house; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend the superlative efforts of the Chief Clerk's Office and extend to Chief Clerk Robert Haney and his staff warmest best wishes for blue skies ahead; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Robert Haney and the staff of the Chief Clerk's Office as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Pena Rodriguez Naishtat Guillen Canales Allen Alonzo Bailey Baxter Bohac Bonnen Branch Brown of Kaufman Brown of Brazos Callegari Campbell Capelo Casteel Castro Chisum Christian Coleman Cook of Colorado Corte Davis of Dallas Dawson Denny Deshotel Driver Dukes Dutton Edwards Eissler Elkins Ellis Farabee Farrar Garza Gattis Geren Giddings Goodman Goolsby Griggs Gutierrez Hamilton Hamric Hardcastle Harper-Brown Hegar Hill Hochberg Hodge Homer Howard Hughes Hupp Jones of Bexar Jones of Dallas Keel Keffer of Eastland King Kolkhorst Kuempel Laney Laubenberg Lewis Luna Mabry Martinez Fischer McCall McClendon Menendez Mercer Merritt Miller Moreno of Harris Moreno of El Paso Morrison Mowery Olivo Paxton Pickett Pitts Raymond Reyna Rose Smith of Harris Solis Stick Swinford Thompson Truitt Turner Van Arsdale Villarreal West Wohlgemuth Wong Woolley Zedler Craddick Geren Mercer Allen Giddings Merritt Alonzo Goodman Miller Bailey Goolsby Moreno of Harris Baxter Griggs Moreno of El Paso Berman Grusendorf Morrison Bohac Guillen Mowery Bonnen Gutierrez Naishtat Branch Haggerty Nixon Brown of Kaufman Hamilton Noriega Brown of Brazos Hamric Oliveira Burnam Hardcastle Olivo Callegari Harper-Brown Paxton Campbell Hartnett Pena Canales Heflin Phillips Capelo Hegar Pickett Casteel Hilderbran Pitts Castro Hill Puente Chavez Hochberg Quintanilla Chisum Hodge Raymond Christian Homer Reyna Coleman Hope Riddle Cook of Navarro Hopson Ritter Cook of Colorado Howard Rodriguez Corte Hughes Rose Crabb Hunter Seaman Crownover Hupp Smith of Tarrant Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Harris Davis of Dallas Jones of Lubbock Smithee Dawson Jones of Bexar Solis Delisi Jones of Dallas Solomons Denny Keel Stick Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Swinford Driver Keffer of Eastland Talton Dukes King Taylor Dunnam Kolkhorst Telford Dutton Krusee Thompson Edwards Kuempel Truitt Eiland Laney Turner Eissler Laubenberg Uresti Elkins Lewis Van Arsdale Ellis Luna Villarreal Escobar Mabry West Farabee Madden Wilson Farrar Marchant Wise Flores Martinez Fischer Wohlgemuth Flynn McCall Wolens Gallego McClendon Wong Garza McReynolds Woolley Gattis Menendez Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 648 was adopted by the House on June 2, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House