78R11668 JHS-F

By:  Flores                                                       H.R. No. 717

WHEREAS, The House of Representatives of the State of Texas is pleased to welcome the Texas Association of Fairs and Events delegation to Austin for the Official Texas Fair and Event Day at the Capitol; and WHEREAS, The Texas Association of Fairs and Events has been serving the fair and special events industry in Texas for more than 77 years and is celebrating this year with an Official Fair and Event Day at the Capitol on Tuesday, April 8; and WHEREAS, For more than 100 years, fairs have annually showcased Texas' finest agricultural products and technology and have provided entertainment and educational and recreational opportunities; and WHEREAS, Fairs are held throughout Texas each year to advance and promote the education of Texas youths and to affirm life values; they help to develop responsible and informed citizens, particularly those in 4-H, FFA, and FHA, by providing healthy competition through an unparalleled forum of exhibits in arts, livestock, horticulture, and agriculture; and WHEREAS, Fairs in Texas contribute millions of dollars annually to Texas youths through scholarships, premiums, and auction proceeds; and WHEREAS, There are also more than 200 events held in Texas that promote and develop the tourism industry and commerce and provide the public with an environment rich in entertainment choices, educational opportunities, and recreational pursuits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby welcome and extend best wishes to the members of the Texas Association of Fairs and Events delegation; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be prepared for the Texas Association of Fairs and Events delegation as a memento of this special occasion.