78R11903 MMS-D

By:  Cook of Colorado                                             H.R. No. 792

WHEREAS, The passing of Raymond Frank "Buddy" Rau of Columbus on December 20, 2002, at the age of 65 has brought a profound sense of loss to his loved ones and to countless fellow citizens; and WHEREAS, Born December 11, 1937, Mr. Rau devoted his life to the cause of historic preservation; his interest in this vital work extended as far back as 1962, when he helped to organize the Magnolia Homes Tour (MHT), Inc., now the Columbus Historic Preservation Trust, Inc.; a life member of the organization, he later served as the group's president; and WHEREAS, Over the years, Mr. Rau became personally involved in the restoration of several historic properties in Columbus; in 1965 he and his parents purchased the Ilse home and he spent nearly four years overseeing work on the building, now known as Raumonda; he later undertook the restoration of two properties that had long been in his mother's family, the Hancock-Heller Home and a general store; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rau shared his expertise with others as a restoration and landscape consultant from the late 1960s to the 1970s; he also operated The Carriage House and Columbus Flower Shop for 22 years in the store once owned by his maternal grandparents; and WHEREAS, This distinguished community leader served as president of the City of Columbus Sesquicentennial Celebration in 1973, president of the city's U.S. Bicentennial Celebration in 1976, and cochairman of the city's 1991-1992 celebration commemorating the quincentennial of the first voyage to the New World by Christopher Columbus; and WHEREAS, A staunch proponent of heritage tourism, Mr. Rau played an instrumental role in 1987 in organizing the Texas Pioneer Trail, a route linking historic communities in Colorado, Austin, Washington, and Fayette counties; in the early 1990s he served as tourism director for the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and MHT, and in 1996 he helped to organize, and then became executive director of, the Columbus Convention and Visitors Bureau (CCVB), an office he held until his passing; and WHEREAS, While head of the CCVB, Mr. Rau initiated the city's Talking House tours and big tree registry, extended the boundaries of the town's historic district, and researched and won approval for more than 90 state historical markers; and WHEREAS, Other organizations with which he was affiliated include the Colorado County Historical Commission, German-Texan Heritage Society, Columbus Lions Club, and Live Oak Art Center; and WHEREAS, Through his tireless commitment to preserving the heritage of one of the state's most historic communities, Buddy Rau has bequeathed a legacy of immeasurable richness to all Texans, and the blessing of his life will be forever cherished by those who were privileged to share his love and friendship; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby pay special tribute to the life of Raymond Frank "Buddy" Rau and extend sincere sympathy to his wife, Laura Ann Rau, and to the many other relatives and friends of this beloved gentleman; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Raymond Frank "Buddy" Rau.