78R9486 KMP-D

By:  Wise                                                         H.R. No. 795

WHEREAS, In February 2003, the Texas Education Agency awarded a rare perfect score to the bilingual education program taught in the Mercedes School District, and this achievement provides a fitting opportunity to highlight this noteworthy district and its outstanding program of dual language instruction; and WHEREAS, Unlike most bilingual education programs in the United States, which focus on teaching English as a second language, the Mercedes school district program emphasizes the development of language skills in both English and Spanish for all students, thereby helping students to pursue higher-level work in either language and, ultimately, to become fluent readers and writers of both English and Spanish; led by director Lisa Serna, the Mercedes program has attracted strong community support, and its success is evident in the fact that 16 of its 18 kindergarten classes are taught using the dual-language method; and WHEREAS, The Lone Star State has been blessed with a richly diverse population, and its continued ability to compete in an increasingly global economy will only be strengthened through exemplary educational programs such as that taught in the Mercedes school district; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the students, teachers, and administrators of the Mercedes school district for earning a perfect score in the area of bilingual education from the Texas Education Agency; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for prominent display in the Mercedes school district as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.