H.R. No. 830

WHEREAS, After nearly three decades of journalistic integrity and achievement, Norma Adams-Wade retired from The Dallas Morning News on December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, Her dream of becoming a writer was conceived in the fourth grade, when a local reporter, Julia Scott Reed, visited her class and instilled the goal to become a journalist in a bright and serious young girl; and WHEREAS, Ms. Adams-Wade's dedication and hard work resulted in her graduation from The University of Texas at Austin, and her dreams came to fruition in 1974 when she became the first full-time black reporter on staff for The Dallas Morning News; and WHEREAS, Gender and ethnic stereotypes did not daunt this bold, barrier-breaching woman as she dispelled doubts from within her company and the community at large with her disciplined and honest accounts of racial issues and views of the black community; and WHEREAS, The substantial writing talents of Ms. Adams-Wade were drawn on to cover subjects as diverse as health, housing, education, and human interest features; her investigative work exposed mismanagement in public housing in the 1970s, for which she received the Joe Dealey Publisher's Award, and she proudly led the paper's first comprehensive coverage of Black History Month in February 1985; and WHEREAS, A cofounder of the National Association of Black Journalists, which now has approximately 3,000 members, Ms. Adams-Wade also founded the association's five-state regional chapter and served as its director for more than two years; and WHEREAS, Widely recognized for her notable community contributions, Ms. Adams-Wade received the Dallas-Fort Worth Association of Black Communicators' Lifetime Achievement Award and the NAACP Dallas Chapter's Juanita Craft Award for excellence and community service in journalism among her many honors; and WHEREAS, Since her retirement, Ms. Adams-Wade has not completely deprived Texans of her insightful opinions and keen observations, as she continues to write a weekly column for the paper; and WHEREAS, Norma Adams-Wade has made valuable contributions during her distinguished career as a skilled reporter who opened the doors of opportunity for those who would follow in her footsteps; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor Norma Adams-Wade for her outstanding contributions to the field of journalism and extend to her sincere best wishes for a happy and rewarding retirement; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Adams-Wade as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Davis of Dallas ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 830 was adopted by the House on April 23, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House