78R12477 MDM-D

By:  Craddick                                                     H.R. No. 861

WHEREAS, A 30th wedding anniversary is truly cause for a joyous celebration, and on April 14, 2003, Bruce and Debbi Willis of Midland marked this significant event in their life together; and WHEREAS, Mr. Willis and his bride pledged their wedding vows on April 14, 1973, in a ceremony officiated by Dr. Roy S. Day at Bethel Baptist Church; over the course of their marriage the couple have shared a close and fulfilling relationship that has been made even richer through the expansion of their family, which includes two sons, Jason Matthew and Christopher Luke Willis, a daughter, Amber Nicole Willis Conner, and her husband, A. David Conner II, and four grandchildren, Krista Aubrey Willis, and Carissa Haley, Jacob Ryne, and Jayden Trey Conner; and WHEREAS, An alumna of Midland's Lee High School as well as Midland College, Mrs. Willis is a professional in the field of nursing and is affiliated with the Texas Board of Registered Nurses; Mr. Willis graduated from Midland High School and United Electronic Institute-Dallas and has been a dedicated employee of Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in Midland for the past 17 years; and WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Willis have shared the trials and triumphs of three decades together, and their devotion to each other serves as an inspiration to their family and many friends; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Bruce and Debbi Willis on the memorable occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary and extend to them heartfelt best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Willis as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.