78R12296 MDM-D

By:  Hunter                                                       H.R. No. 931

WHEREAS, Donna Albus has earned widespread respect for her deep commitment to maintaining the beauty of Abilene and the State of Texas; and WHEREAS, Currently president of Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB), she oversees a $1 million budget and projects to be implemented in 337 affiliate communities statewide; a seven-year KTB board member, she has chaired the outreach, convention, and awards committees and also serves as a trainer for Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful; and WHEREAS, Ms. Albus's energy and creativity have fueled numerous initiatives to dramatically reduce litter, increase beautification, and implement recycling efforts in schools, communities, and businesses throughout Texas; and WHEREAS, She coordinated the initial "Abilene Make a Difference Day," which drew 50,000 participants and won national awards; another of her ideas--the 1997 city-wide crape myrtle project--attracted national and international attention with the title, "Myrtle is coming! Get Your Bed Ready"; as Abilene's recycling coordinator and regional organizer for Texas Recycles Day, she was responsible for programs that share surplus school supplies, recycle phone books, paper, and cardboard, and reduce waste on campuses; she successfully promoted the Adopt-a-Highway initiative year-round and today, many students on Abilene school campuses regularly clean an Adopt-a-Spot during recess; and WHEREAS, In addition to a challenging schedule of volunteer activities, Ms. Albus is also employed full-time as a member of the donor relations team for the West Texas Rehabilitation Center; moreover, her civic involvement has touched numerous organizations, some of which are the Abilene Preservation League, the Grace Museum, the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the PTA, the United Way, the Cultural Center and Museum, and the Volunteer Center; and WHEREAS, As a tribute to her notable contributions to her community and state, she has been named an outstanding West Texas woman by KRBC-TV and one of the five most interesting people in Abilene by KTXS-TV, and she is a recipient of the All-American Pride of Abilene honor; November 6, 1996, was Donna Albus Day in the city, and the annual beautification award of Keep Abilene Beautiful has been named for her; and WHEREAS, The accomplishments of Donna Albus have immeasurably affected the quality of life in Abilene and throughout Texas, and it is a pleasure to salute her at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Donna Albus for her extensive work to preserve the beauty of the Lone Star State for her fellow citizens and for future generations and extend to her best wishes for success and happiness in the future; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Albus as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.