78R9639 KMP-D

By:  Wilson                                                       H.R. No. 966

WHEREAS, On March 18, 2003, the citizens of the Lone Star State lost a powerful voice for change and progress with the passing of the Honorable Irma Rangel, the first Mexican American woman ever elected to serve in the Texas House of Representatives; and WHEREAS, A passionate advocate for the residents of South Texas, as well as for minorities and other underserved populations, this outstanding public servant had ably represented the citizens of this state with honor and distinction since 1976, and she was appointed to her first leadership position during the 68th Texas Legislature, when she was named vice chair of the House Judicial Affairs Committee; in subsequent years she served as vice chair of the House Urban Affairs and International and Cultural Relations committees, but it was her leadership role with the House Higher Education Committee over the course of seven sessions that will endure in the minds of many, for she created and enhanced educational opportunities in Texas that will profoundly affect both current and future generations; and WHEREAS, Representative Rangel became the first woman to serve as chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, and her extensive work in behalf of this state's citizens contributed to such significant achievements as the South Texas Border Initiative and the school of pharmacy at Texas A&M University--Kingsville; and WHEREAS, This accomplished legislator was inducted into the Texas Women's Hall of Fame and was the first Mexican American to receive the Mirabeau B. Lamar Medal from the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities, a fitting tribute for a woman who devoted more than two decades of her life to the betterment of higher education in the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, It is the custom of this state to adorn the walls of our magnificent Capitol with paintings depicting people and events that have helped to shape the future of Texas; one individual who is indeed worthy of this honor is the late Representative Irma Rangel, whose legacy of uncompromising integrity and belief in the importance of public service will be remembered in this state and in this chamber for many years to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby direct the House Administration Committee to hang a portrait of the Honorable Irma Rangel in a suitable location in the house chamber as a tribute to this remarkable legislative pioneer and public servant; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the chief clerk of the house forward an official copy of this resolution to the chairman of the House Administration Committee.