78R14050 KMP-D

By:  Campbell                                                     H.R. No. 980

WHEREAS, Texas is blessed with an abundant supply of freshwater from both surface and underground sources, including rivers, streams, aquifers, wells, and springs, and as the population of the Lone Star State continues to grow, so too do the demands placed on this vital natural resource; and WHEREAS, To highlight this issue at the national level, the American Water Works Association has for many years sponsored, in partnership with more than a dozen educational, professional, and nonprofit groups, an annual Drinking Water Week campaign; this year this event will be observed May 4-10, 2003, and the State of Texas is proud to join with communities and states across the country, as well as with federal agencies, in recognizing the need for continued vigilance in the protection of public water supplies; and WHEREAS, All aspects of our quality of life are directly related to the availability of clean and plentiful water; potable water is essential to the survival of all living creatures, and it is in the best interests of all Texas businesses, whether related to tourism, sports, commerce, or industry, to lead the way in finding new ways to conserve and safeguard this truly precious commodity; and WHEREAS, The continued prosperity and viability of the State of Texas will be determined by the decisions we make today, as well as in the future, regarding water rights, water treatment, and water quality issues, and both public officials and private citizens have a duty to preserve this important natural resource for the generations to come; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize May 4-10, 2003, as Texas Drinking Water Week and encourage all Texans to protect and conserve our state's invaluable and irreplaceable water resources.