H.R. No. 1027

WHEREAS, On May 10, 2003, members of the Prairie View A&M University Class of 1953 are holding their 50th college reunion, and this singular occasion promises to be a memorable event for all those in attendance; and WHEREAS, More than 800 young men and women eagerly began their college journey together in 1949 as freshmen at Prairie View A&M; since their graduation day a half-century ago, these proud alumni have pursued their careers in such diverse fields of endeavor as medicine, law, public service, education, social work, business, and the military; and WHEREAS, Today, the men and women of the Class of 1953 continue to benefit their communities and their alma mater through the gifts of their time and resources; while some graduates chose to make Waller County their home after leaving college, others traveled further afield, though Waller County would forever hold a special place in their hearts; and WHEREAS, Gathered together again, Prairie View A&M University graduates are rekindling old friendships and bringing former classmates up-to-date, and there will doubtless be much laughter and some tears as they reminisce and regale one another with the trials and triumphs of the years that have passed since they proudly donned their caps and gowns; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the members of Prairie View A&M University's Class of 1953 on the occasion of their 50th college reunion and extend to them warmest best wishes for a meaningful and joyous celebration. Hegar ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 1027 was adopted by the House on May 6, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House