78R13695 JH-D

By:  Castro                                                       H.R. No. 1062

WHEREAS, For nearly a half century, members of the Community Workers Council (CWC) have worked to improve the quality of life for San Antonio residents, and it is a pleasure to honor these outstanding Texans for their efforts in this regard; and WHEREAS, In the years since the CWC's founding in 1956, the organization's members have undertaken such worthwhile endeavors as providing annual scholarships to area students, raising money to purchase new band equipment for Wrenn Middle School, and sponsoring the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seniors Dance at Bethel Seniors Nutrition Center; and WHEREAS, In addition, these dedicated men and women have participated in numerous other worthy initiatives, including National Night Out and Make A Difference Day; and WHEREAS, The CWC is truly an asset to the Lone Star State, and its long history of service in behalf of the people of San Antonio truly merits special legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend all those associated with the Community Workers Council of San Antonio and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued success.