78R15645 RVH-D

By:  Bohac                                                        H.R. No. 1100

WHEREAS, The engineering firms of Cobb Fendley & Associates and Demopulos & Ferguson Associates, Inc., are in the final stages of completing a feasibility study on Long Point Road for the City of Houston and in conjunction with the Super Neighborhood Councils; and WHEREAS, Studies of various alternatives for the reconstruction of Long Point Road have been presented by the engineering firms, and those alternatives and other proposals have been considered at public meetings; and WHEREAS, Major thoroughfare improvement has been a capital project since 1994; and WHEREAS, Given the constraints of acquiring rights-of-way and the limited availability of funds, it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to work in concert to identify all available sources of funds for the final design engineering so that construction can begin according to schedule and the urgent need for improved mobility can be met as soon as possible; and WHEREAS, Under further collaborative efforts among the parties involved, streetscape design and landscape design performed in partnership with Spring Branch property owners and the Spring Branch Super Neighborhood Councils would ensure that the project's design is balanced with the need for mobility, safety, and environmental soundness for the community; and WHEREAS, To meet these various needs, local stakeholders have expressly stated a preference for design plans that would require a four-lane divided roadway with 11-foot traffic lanes, 12-foot esplanades, five-foot sidewalks, 80-foot rights-of-way wherever possible, and a 36-inch underground water main installed along the center of Long Point from Campbell to Conrad Sauer so as not to impede traffic; and WHEREAS, These parties also have expressed a desire for the final design plans to include extending the ending boundary of the Cobb Fendley & Associates design from Bingle Road to Hollister Road, and changing the Demopulos & Ferguson Associates, Inc., beginning boundary to Campbell Road instead of Bingle Road; and WHEREAS, The process to-date has provided individual property owners and neighborhood associations ample opportunity for public input, and those stakeholders have responded accordingly; and WHEREAS, Long Point Road redevelopment is an issue passionately supported by Congressman John Culberson, Senator Jon Lindsay, Representative Dwayne Bohac, Representative Jessica Farrar, and Representative Beverly Woolley; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby strongly encourage the City of Houston to redevelop Long Point Road.