H.R. No. 1113

WHEREAS, Jim Axelrod, a correspondent for CBS News, was embedded with the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army during the conflict in Iraq, risking his personal safety to provide Americans with news of the campaign; and WHEREAS, A New Brunswick, New Jersey, native, Mr. Axelrod graduated from Cornell University in 1985 with a bachelor of arts degree in history and from Brown University in 1989 with a master of arts in history; his outstanding educational background truly serves him well as a reporter of world events that shape the future of mankind; and WHEREAS, This accomplished newsman began his career in broadcast journalism at WVII-TV in Bangor, Maine, and over the next several years he worked in many capacities, including reporter and producer at several stations in New York and North Carolina; in 1996, Mr. Axelrod joined CBS News, working in Miami and Dallas before joining the bureau in New York; and WHEREAS, Dangerous assignments are not new to Mr. Axelrod; he has previously covered the war and refugee crisis in the Balkans, the hostage crisis in Peru, and the erupting volcano in Montserrat; and WHEREAS, The long hours of constant vigilance required by this perilous assignment, the extremes of weather, and the spartan accommodations attending embedded journalists did not daunt Mr. Axelrod's tenacious pursuit of accurate and timely information on the war effort; and WHEREAS, His expectant wife, Christina, and two young children proudly supported the bravery and persistence displayed by Mr. Axelrod as he strove to relate the truth of America's military efforts to free a nation from the stranglehold of tyranny; and WHEREAS, This notable gentleman exhibited on a world stage the value and meaningful contributions of a free press, often putting his own safety in jeopardy in order to provide his country with truthful and accurate reports; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Jim Axelrod for his journalistic integrity and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Axelrod as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Gallego Craddick Geren Mercer Allen Giddings Merritt Alonzo Goodman Miller Bailey Goolsby Moreno of Harris Baxter Griggs Moreno of El Paso Berman Grusendorf Morrison Bohac Guillen Mowery Bonnen Gutierrez Naishtat Branch Haggerty Nixon Brown of Kaufman Hamilton Noriega Brown of Brazos Hamric Oliveira Burnam Hardcastle Olivo Callegari Harper-Brown Paxton Campbell Hartnett Pena Canales Heflin Phillips Capelo Hegar Pickett Casteel Hilderbran Pitts Castro Hill Puente Chavez Hochberg Quintanilla Chisum Hodge Raymond Christian Homer Reyna Coleman Hope Riddle Cook of Navarro Hopson Ritter Cook of Colorado Howard Rodriguez Corte Hughes Rose Crabb Hunter Seaman Crownover Hupp Smith of Tarrant Davis of Harris Isett Smith of Harris Davis of Dallas Jones of Lubbock Smithee Dawson Jones of Bexar Solis Delisi Jones of Dallas Solomons Denny Keel Stick Deshotel Keffer of Dallas Swinford Driver Keffer of Eastland Talton Dukes King Taylor Dunnam Kolkhorst Telford Dutton Krusee Thompson Edwards Kuempel Truitt Eiland Laney Turner Eissler Laubenberg Uresti Elkins Lewis Van Arsdale Ellis Luna Villarreal Escobar Mabry West Farabee Madden Wilson Farrar Marchant Wise Flores Martinez Fischer Wohlgemuth Flynn McCall Wolens Gallego McClendon Wong Garza McReynolds Woolley Gattis Menendez Zedler ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 1113 was adopted by the House on May 16, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House