78R15802(4) JH-D

By:  Chavez                                                       H.R. No. 1118

WHEREAS, Around the world, people have set aside a day each year to honor those very special persons among us, the mothers who brought us into this world, protected us, and taught us how to make our way, and on May 11, 2003, Texans and all Americans will join in celebrating El Dia de las Madres/Mother's Day in the United States; and WHEREAS, It is fitting that Mother's Day should be celebrated in the spring, when we see life renewed all around us; mothers give life, and they give fresh starts, forgiving their children's mistakes and wrong turns and encouraging them to try again and again; and WHEREAS, On this day, we pay tribute to mothers for their stubborn persistence in seeking to give their children a bright and promising future; resourceful, strong, and brave in this quest, they are indeed heroes in every sense of the word; and WHEREAS, Motherhood can truly be called "the toughest job you'll ever love," for it encompasses a tremendous range of challenges, opportunities, frustrations, and joys, and the ultimate rewards, intangible though they may be, are among life's most meaningful and enduring; all mothers share a powerful bond in the love they have for their children, and this love enriches our world beyond measure; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor the mothers at Father Martinez Senior Center in El Paso and extend to these treasured women warmest best wishes as we recognize all mothers in Texas for El Dia de las Madres/Mother's Day.