78R15575 MW-D

By:  Quintanilla                                                  H.R. No. 1150

WHEREAS, Irma Zepeda of Clint Junior High School has been named Teacher of the Year for 2002-2003 by the Clint Independent School District; and WHEREAS, An educator for 16 years, Ms. Zepeda has worked for the Clint ISD for eight years and has taught social studies at Clint Junior High School for two years; through her outstanding instruction, Ms. Zepeda has encouraged her students to excel, setting them firmly on the path to a bright future; and WHEREAS, Ms. Zepeda exemplifies the highest ideals of her noble profession, and her hard work and dedication will undoubtedly have a lasting, positive influence on the lives of her young charges; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate Irma Zepeda on being named Teacher of the Year in secondary education for 2002-2003 by the Clint Independent School District and extend to her warmest best wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Zepeda as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.