78R15388 JNC-D

By:  Keffer of Eastland                                           H.R. No. 1175

WHEREAS, Bette Armstrong moved with her husband, Jim, to Eastland in 1993 in search of a nice, quiet town in which to enjoy their retirement together, little dreaming that she would soon embrace a local legend so fully that she would become one of the community's best-known boosters and most beloved residents; and WHEREAS, From her initial involvement as the seamstress behind the design of Lil' Rippy, a lovable stuffed horned toad doll, for a contest she read about in the newspaper, Mrs. Armstrong has continued to draw on her talent and energy to promote the tale of the renowned reptile named Old Rip, a horned toad who was buried for 31 years in the cornerstone of the Eastland County Courthouse and emerged from the experience alive; and WHEREAS, By creating cookie cutters, refrigerator magnets, and other horned toad memorabilia and organizing contests and events centered on Old Rip's lengthy rest and reentry into Eastland society, Mrs. Armstrong has generated renewed interest in the community's most popular tourist attraction; and WHEREAS, Thanks in part to the generous promotional efforts and infectious enthusiasm of Mrs. Armstrong, Old Rip the Horned Toad has secured a permanent place of honor in Texas lore alongside such other celebrated Lone Star phenomena as the jackelope and the Marfa Lights; and WHEREAS, A member of the Eastland Chamber of Commerce and the Horned Lizard Conservation Society, Mrs. Armstrong is affectionately known around Eastland as the "Toad Lady," and she has also demonstrated her commitment to the critter by sewing and donning a horned toad costume, which she has worn for numerous appearances, including a trip to the State Capitol during the 77th Legislative Session when this chamber paid tribute to Old Rip as the Most Famous Horned Toad in Texas; and WHEREAS, This lovely lady's tireless work has elevated Old Rip's fame to heights enjoyed in bygone days when he visited President Coolidge and appeared with Texas Governor John Connally; Mrs. Armstrong is now as closely associated with the Eastland landscape locally as her famous subject, and though she is moving to a new home, she may take pride in knowing that her efforts have brought a smile to the faces of countless Texans and earned her the lasting respect and friendship of a great many people; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Bette Armstrong for her many good works in behalf of the story of Old Rip and Eastland County and extend to her sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mrs. Armstrong as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.