78R15478 MDM-D

By:  Nixon                                                        H.R. No. 1178

WHEREAS, At an Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony on May 18, 2003, Benjamin James "Ben" Lemming, 17, of Houston is being duly recognized for attaining the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout; and WHEREAS, A junior honor roll student at Strake Jesuit Preparatory Academy, Mr. Lemming is actively involved with the student council and a service organization at his school; he has lettered in football twice in the past two years in recognition of his skill as an offensive tackle, serves his fellow choir members as president, and was elected senior class secretary for 2003-2004; further, this avid guitar player has held leadership roles with the St. Michael's Catholic Church youth group; and WHEREAS, To achieve the Eagle Scout insignia is a rare honor, one bestowed on few of those who enter the scouting movement; while meeting the demanding criteria for this notable accomplishment, Mr. Lemming earned 21 merit badges and, for his Eagle Scout project, built new library shelving for Casa Juan Diego; and WHEREAS, He is the son of Jim and Sandi Lemming, who support him in all his endeavors and take great pride in his scouting successes; and WHEREAS, Deeply committed to scouting, his family, and his community, Eagle Scout Lemming is an inspiration to all those who know him and it is a pleasure to salute him at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor Benjamin James "Ben" Lemming for attaining the rank of Eagle Scout and extend to him sincere best wishes for success and happiness in the coming years; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Lemming as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.