H.R. No. 1278

WHEREAS, The safe recovery of six members of the 507th Maintenance Company, United States Army, who had been taken prisoner in Iraq, has been cause for thanksgiving and celebration across the length and breadth of this country; and WHEREAS, Specialist Edgar Adan Hernandez, Specialist Joseph Neal Hudson, Specialist Shoshana Nyree Johnson, Private First Class Jessica D. Lynch, Private First Class Patrick Wayne Miller, and Sergeant James J. Riley were captured during an ambush in southern Iraq on March 23, 2003; nine other members of their unit died as a result of the attack; and WHEREAS, In the days of fearful uncertainty that followed the ambush, Americans hung on news coverage of the war, hoping for an encouraging word about the fate of these prisoners; on April 1 the country received with elation the announcement that Private Lynch had been found in an Iraqi hospital and returned to American forces; two long weeks later, on April 13, military authorities relayed the joyful news that the five remaining prisoners from the 507th had been rescued by Marines in northern Iraq; and WHEREAS, Private Lynch is presently being treated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for injuries she sustained in the fighting on March 23, and it is hoped that she will be released from that facility in June; her five comrades returned to an ecstatic welcome at Fort Bliss on April 19, 2003, and subsequently received leave to spend time with their families; and WHEREAS, Americans owe an immeasurable debt to these six courageous soldiers for their devotion to duty and their country and for the great sacrifice they have made in this nation's behalf; as they continue to recover from the hardships they have endured, may they know that they remain in the thoughts and hearts of countless fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor Specialist Edgar Adan Hernandez, Specialist Joseph Neal Hudson, Specialist Shoshana Nyree Johnson, Private First Class Jessica D. Lynch, Private First Class Patrick Wayne Miller, and Sergeant James J. Riley for their valorous service as members of the United States Army and extend to them sincere appreciation for their heroic efforts; and, be it further RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared for these esteemed men and women as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Chavez ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 1278 was adopted by the House on May 24, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House