78R16776 MDM-D

By:  Wong                                                         H.R. No. 1419

WHEREAS, The House of Representatives is pleased to recognize Michael Cemo on his receipt of a Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Houston Alumni Organization; and WHEREAS, Mr. Cemo was honored at the Houston Alumni Organization Awards Dinner on April 11, 2003, at the University Hilton Hotel; the men and women selected for these prestigious tributes have been unwavering in their service and support in behalf of the University of Houston (UH); and WHEREAS, The Distinguished Alumnus Award is given each year to UH alumni whose contributions have benefited society as well as reflected favorably on their alma mater; each recipient has shown an ongoing commitment to maintaining the growth and stature of the university; and WHEREAS, Mr. Cemo graduated from UH in 1968 with a bachelor's degree in economics and in 1972 joined American Capital Management as executive vice president of sales and marketing and as a board member; in 1988, he accepted the presidency of AIM Management Group, a marketing and sales company whose managed assets totaled less than $10 billion then and today top $125 billion; and WHEREAS, At the helm of AIM Distributors, Inc., as president and CEO, Mr. Cemo also serves on its executive management committee as well as on the board and executive management committee of its parent company, AMVESCAP, PLC, which manages in excess of $350 billion in assets and conducts business in 25 countries; and WHEREAS, His civic support includes board participation with the Houston Museum of Natural Science and the Society for the Performing Arts; further, he is serving a six-year term on the University of Houston System Board of Regents to which he was appointed in 2001 by Governor Rick Perry; and WHEREAS, Michael Cemo's outstanding leadership and untiring devotion to the University of Houston and his community have truly enhanced the lives of his fellow citizens, and he is a notable role model for all those who are privileged to know or know of him; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Michael Cemo on his receipt of a Distinguished Alumnus Award from the Houston Alumni Organization and extend to him best wishes for success and happiness in his future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Cemo as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.