78R17789 MMS-D

By:  Quintanilla                                                  H.R. No. 1493

WHEREAS, The San Elizario Genealogy and Historical Society is making an immeasurable contribution to our understanding and appreciation of one of the most historic areas of the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, Located a short distance southeast of downtown El Paso and originally known as the Hacienda de los Tiburcios, San Elizario was founded sometime before 1760; the community acquired its present name from the San Elizario Presidio, which was relocated to the community in 1789; one of the most important towns in the area for much of the 19th century, San Elizario served as the first county seat of El Paso County; and WHEREAS, The San Elizario Genealogy and Historical Society was organized as the result of a 1991 family reunion, when reminiscences flowed freely about days gone by; chartered in 1997, the society today is composed of more than 100 members from across the country, including many descendants of the community's founding families; and WHEREAS, Society volunteers maintain a genealogy/historical museum, housed in the building that served as the county's first public school; they also operate a tourist information center and provide tour guides for the many tourists, students, and educators from around the world who visit El Paso and the Mission Valley Historic District, a nine-mile-long zone embracing the centuries-old communities of San Elizario, Ysleta, and Socorro; and WHEREAS, In addition, the society hosts an annual conference during the last week of April, a date that honors the thanksgiving celebration that was held in the vicinity of San Elizario on April 30, 1598, 23 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock; other activities and programs include the Mission Valley Youth Arts Festival, the Las Posadas pageant, the placing of luminarias throughout the Mission Valley Historic District, veterans exhibits and an annual Veterans Day program, an annual luncheon paying tribute to senior citizens, and fund-raising events honoring public-spirited local residents; and WHEREAS, This outstanding community group is working energetically to fulfill its mission of fostering local pride, encouraging the preservation of historical sites, and supporting heritage tourism in San Elizario and the Mission Valley; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend the San Elizario Genealogy and Historical Society for its dynamic leadership in preserving and promoting the rich heritage of San Elizario and the Mission Valley and extend to its members sincere best wishes for continued success in their vital endeavors.