78R17881 JHS-D

By:  Madden                                                       H.R. No. 1545

WHEREAS, Dr. John S. Findley of Plano has distinguished himself among his fellow dentists as the chairman of the Texas Dental Association's Council on Governmental Affairs, demonstrating visionary leadership skills and remarkable dedication in this demanding role; and WHEREAS, This esteemed gentleman is a former president of the Texas Dental Association and currently serves on its board of directors; he has held numerous other positions within the organization, including membership on the insurance council and chairmanship of the task force on legislative affairs; and WHEREAS, In addition to his longtime affiliation with the Texas Dental Association, Dr. Findley is also a member of the American Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, the Pierre Fauchard Academy, and the Dallas County Dental Society, which he served as president in 1992 and 1993; and WHEREAS, A five-time recipient of the Texas Dental Association's President's Award, Dr. Findley has also been honored with the Baylor College of Dentistry's Distinguished Alumni Award and the Dallas County Dental Society's Dentist of the Year award; he is a fellow of the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists and has been named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International; and WHEREAS, John S. Findley is an outstanding doctor as well as a natural leader who has demonstrated a willingness to accept and meet challenges; his colleagues are fortunate to have him as their advocate, and it is a privilege to pay tribute to him at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor John S. Findley for his service as chairman of the Texas Dental Association's Council on Governmental Affairs and for his dedication to the profession of dentistry; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Findley as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.