78R17175 MMS-D

By:  Mercer                                                       H.R. No. 1597

WHEREAS, Since its creation almost a century ago, the U.S. Army's Second (Indian Head) Division has rendered exceptional service to this nation in both times of war and times of peace; and WHEREAS, The Second Division was formed in France in October 1917, when it was composed of one brigade of artillery, one brigade of infantry, and one brigade of U.S. Marines; it is the only U.S. Army division ever to be formed on foreign soil and also the only one ever to be commanded by a Marine, Major General John A. LeJeune; the Second Division distinguished itself in six major campaigns in World War I, capturing more enemy soldiers than any other division; and WHEREAS, Landing on Omaha Beach on D-Day plus one during World War II, the Second Division subsequently fought in five major campaigns and at one point stayed on the front line for 71 days, longer than any other division; in the Battle of the Bulge, the Second Division faced three German divisions and stopped the enemy advance on Antwerp, thereby saving the First U.S. Army; it later led the liberation of Czechoslovakia, the first country captured by the Germans and the last one freed; and WHEREAS, During the Korean War the Second Division fought gallantly in eight major campaigns; at Kuna Ri, it faced and stopped troops of the Chinese army, allowing the Eighth U.S. Army to withdraw and reorganize; over the course of that long and grueling war to ensure a free and secure South Korean peninsula, the Second Division suffered the heaviest casualties of all divisions under U.N. command; and WHEREAS, Between the First and Second World Wars, the Second Division was stationed at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio; members of the division routinely hiked with full packs and equipment along 19 miles of Farm-to-Market Road 1535 to Camp Bullis, where they trained in tick-infested woods and bivouacked for a week or more in pup tents before hiking the return route to the fort; and WHEREAS, In honor of the thousands of brave and dedicated soldiers who have served under the banner of the Second (Indian Head) Division and those who are serving today at Camp Casey, South Korea, as the Second Infantry Division, the chief U.S. force stationed in that country as a deterrent to North Korea, the Texas Legislature has designated FM 1535 in San Antonio as the Second Indian Head Division Memorial Highway; and WHEREAS, Citizens of this nation owe an immeasurable debt to the members of the Second Division, who have served valiantly through many arduous trials and whose efforts and sacrifice have secured the liberties of countless people at home and abroad; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the members of the U.S. Army's Second (Indian Head) Division for their devotion to duty, honor, and their country and extend to them profound appreciation for their heroic and steadfast service.