78R19176 JNC-D

By:  Homer                                                        H.R. No. 1678

WHEREAS, April 25, 2002, will long be remembered as a special day by our esteemed colleague, State Representative Jose Menendez, and his wife, Nicole Newman-Menendez, for it marked the birth of their daughter, Victoria Elise Newman-Menendez; and WHEREAS, This adorable baby girl made her highly anticipated entry into the world at 1:36 p.m. and weighed eight pounds, six ounces, and measured 21 inches in length at her birth; and WHEREAS, Her loving parents have been capably assisted in caring for their new arrival by Victoria's older brother, Dominic Michael Newman-Menendez, who will undoubtedly take great pride and delight in sharing his worldly wisdom with his younger sister and guiding her through the many challenges of life; and WHEREAS, The birth of a child is always a blessed event, but such an occasion becomes even more joyous when it touches the life of a distinguished and highly regarded friend and the members of this chamber take great pleasure in officially announcing the birth of a fine new member of the Menendez family; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby officially welcome Victoria Elise Newman-Menendez as a new citizen of Texas and extend heartfelt congratulations to State Representative Jose Menendez and Nicole Newman-Menendez on the birth of their cherished daughter; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Victoria Elise Newman-Menendez and her parents as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.