78R18455 MDM-D

By:  Wise                                                         H.R. No. 1689

WHEREAS, Dr. Frances Deviney of Austin has served with distinction as the legislative director in the office of State Representative Miguel D. Wise during the regular session of the 78th Texas Legislature; and WHEREAS, An honors graduate of Vanderbilt University, where she received a bachelor's degree in psychology, Dr. Deviney is also an alumna of the University of Utah, where she earned a master's degree and a doctorate in developmental psychology; and WHEREAS, Dr. Deviney's exemplary contributions as legislative director have encompassed analyzing legislation, tracking bills, and composing press releases, speeches, and newsletters; moreover, she has been instrumental in developing relationships with key organizations, legislative offices, and committees, organizing district town hall meetings, and addressing constituents' inquiries regarding legislation; and WHEREAS, Before assuming her present duties, this outstanding individual worked on a statewide political campaign, served as state advocacy coordinator for the American Psychological Association in Utah, and held the posts of graduate research fellow and graduate instructor at the University of Utah; and WHEREAS, Dr. Deviney has also devoted her time and energies as coordinator of a Utah statewide forum on children's mental health; in connection with that project, she authored "Children's Mental Health Issue Brief" and presented findings to organizations throughout the state; she previously served as research analyst and data coordinator for the Families and Schools Together Project at Vanderbilt University; and WHEREAS, The constituents of District 39 have been the benefactors of her impressive efforts, expertise, and political experience, and as the 78th Legislative Session comes to a close, it is a distinct pleasure to commend Dr. Frances Deviney for a job well done; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Dr. Frances Deviney for her exceptional service as legislative director in the office of State Representative Miguel D. Wise and extend to her warmest best wishes for future success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Deviney as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.