78R17891 KMP-D

By:  Chavez                                                       H.R. No. 1753

WHEREAS, In March 2003, a group of 11 students from The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) traveled to Queretaro, Mexico, to represent their school at the 22nd Regular Session of the Model Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly; and WHEREAS, This Lone Star delegation was one of only three American teams to be invited by the Government of Mexico and the OAS General Secretariat to attend this prestigious public policy competition; composed of students from the UTEP Center for Inter-American and Border Studies, the team truly rose to the occasion in its role as the Permanent Mission of Costa Rica and captured numerous awards and accolades, including the titles of Best Delegation in the Conference, Best Delegation in the General Committee, Best Delegation in Economic and Social Affairs, and Best Delegation in Administrative and Budgetary Matters; and WHEREAS, The entire community of UTEP can be proud of the exceptional achievements of faculty advisor Dr. Tony Payan and the following students: Julie Flores, General Committee; Carlos Rodriguez and Gerson Pedrozo, first committee of Juridical and Political Matters; Christopher Ritchey, second committee A of Economic and Social Matters; Lucy Zarate, second committee B of Education, Scientific, and Cultural Matters; Jose Roberto Nakid, public relations officer; Enrique Flores, who has been named vice chairman of next year's third committee, Administrative and Budgetary Matters; Valerie Ann Sanchez, who has been named chairwoman of that same committee; Vince Vita, who has been named chairman of next year's second committee B of Education, Scientific, and Cultural Matters; and Eduardo Barbosa, who has been named president of the 23rd Regular Session of the Model OAS General Assembly; their accomplishments are all the more impressive considering that this was the UTEP delegation's first foray into international competition; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the UTEP student delegation to the 22nd Regular Session of the Model OAS General Assembly and extend to them warmest best wishes for continued success in their future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for these exemplary young Texans as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.