78R18764 MMS-D

By:  Moreno of Harris                                             H.R. No. 1835

WHEREAS, Randall Doyle, Jr., of the U.S. Navy and Eloy Cardenas of the U.S. Marine Corps, best friends since childhood, have both served valiantly in the Iraqi campaign; and WHEREAS, Mr. Doyle and Mr. Cardenas have counted each other as a brother since they attended Cunningham Middle School in Galena Park; they graduated in the North Shore High School class of 1999, and within a year each had enlisted in the service; though Petty Officer Doyle was stationed at Camp Pendleton in California and Corporal Cardenas at Camp LeJeune in North Carolina, they remained in touch by e-mail and cell phone; and WHEREAS, Before the commencement of the Iraqi campaign, the friends were both deployed to Kuwait; while bivouacked in the desert there, Corporal Cardenas set out on foot one morning to try to find his buddy, knowing only that he was stationed with the Seventh Marines; miraculously, after making inquiries for an hour, he not only located his pal but discovered that their tents were only a three-minute walk apart; and WHEREAS, The two men were separated again when the war began; Corporal Cardenas, a combat engineer, moved north toward Baghdad with his unit and saw action in firefights at Basra and at the Tigris River; meanwhile Petty Officer Doyle, a medic, also advanced toward the capital, primarily treating injured Iraqi citizens along the way; once in Baghdad, the men were able to celebrate yet another reunion; and WHEREAS, Throughout their arduous assignment in Iraq, these courageous soldiers have been sustained by their deep friendship and by the love of their families back home; Corporal Cardenas is married to his high school sweetheart, Priscilla, whom he wed in November 2002; the men's parents are Nat and Vickie Cardenas and Randall and Frances Doyle, who consider each other's son as their own; and WHEREAS, Eloy Cardenas and Randall Doyle have demonstrated a resolute commitment to duty, honor, and their country, and Americans everywhere owe these men an immeasurable debt of gratitude for the burdens and sacrifice they have assumed in behalf of all their fellow citizens; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor Eloy Cardenas and Randall Doyle, Jr., for their brave and steadfast service and extend to them sincere appreciation for their heroic efforts; and, be it further RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared for these exemplary servicemen as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.