78R19606 MW-D

By:  Pena                                                         H.R. No. 1964

WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor the members of the 2003 senior class of Edinburg North High School on the momentous occasion of their graduation from that fine institution; and WHEREAS, Now at the threshold of their long-awaited graduation day, these 438 high school seniors can look back and reflect on the successful conclusion of one major phase in their lives, while at the same time eagerly anticipating the many challenges and opportunities that await them in the future; and WHEREAS, These graduating Cougars have much to take pride in, academic and personal achievements great and small, public and private triumphs that have laid the foundation for future success, and the diplomas they receive at their commencement exercises will truly signify a great accomplishment; and WHEREAS, The graduation of another class of high school seniors is also a great occasion for the State of Texas, for a new generation of leaders will emerge from these classrooms, and our hopes for a brighter future are vested in the unlimited potential represented by young men and women such as those now graduating from Edinburg North High School; and WHEREAS, The 2003 graduating class of Edinburg North High School has distinguished itself in all areas of endeavor, and its collective record of achievement has set a standard of outstanding performance that is indeed worthy of special legislative recognition; and WHEREAS, Representative Aaron Pena has justly recognized these exemplary students by passing this honorary resolution in their behalf during the 78th Legislative Session of the Texas House of Representatives; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the members of the 2003 graduating class of Edinburg North High School and extend sincere best wishes to them for success and happiness in all of their future endeavors.