78R19745 JHS-D

By:  Rodriguez                                                    H.R. No. 2012

WHEREAS, Robert Loving is an outstanding member of the staff of State Representative Eddie Rodriguez, and he is indeed deserving of special recognition for his efforts during the 78th Legislative Session; and WHEREAS, An admitted graduate of Texas A&M University, Mr. Loving has demonstrated a postmatriculation resolve to learn the English language; and WHEREAS, He has appropriately deferred to his Longhorn peers on questions requiring academic training and has irrefutably demonstrated that engineering and public policy are the professional equivalent of oil and water; and WHEREAS, Mr. Loving has substantially redeemed himself of the aforementioned deficits by virtue of his expertise in Microsoft Excel and through his willingness to do what he is told without asking a lot of questions; he has exhibited tremendous personal growth, as well as distinguished facial hair growth, during his participation in the Texas Legislative Internship Program; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby honor Robert Loving for his exemplary performance during the 78th Legislative Session and extend to him best wishes for continued success in all his endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Loving as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.