2003S0026-2 11/18/02

By:  Fraser, Jackson                                                      S.B. No. 127

relating to procedures by insurers for handling water damage claims. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter E, Chapter 21, Insurance Code, is amended by adding Article 21.55A to read as follows: Art. 21.55A. WATER DAMAGE CLAIMS Sec. 1. PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY. The purpose of this article is to provide for the prompt, efficient, and effective handling and processing of water damage claims, which may include ensuing mold losses, filed under residential property insurance policies and to thereby reduce confusion and inconvenience to insureds and reduce claims costs and residential property insurance premiums in the state. This article applies to insurers that handle water damage claims filed under residential property insurance policies. Sec. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this article: (1) "Claim" means a first-party claim made by an insured or a policyholder under a residential property insurance policy or contract that must be paid by the insurer directly to the insured or policyholder. (2) "Insurer" means an insurance company, reciprocal or interinsurance exchange, mutual, capital stock company, fraternal benefit society, local mutual aid association, farm mutual insurance company, county mutual insurance company, association, Lloyd's plan company, or other entity writing residential property insurance in the state. The term includes a surplus lines insurer authorized and operating under Chapter 981 of this code. The term includes an affiliate as described by Section 823.003(a) of this code. The term does not include the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association created and operated under Article 21.49 of this code. (3) "Residential property insurance" means insurance against loss to real or tangible personal property at a fixed location provided under a homeowners policy, a tenant policy, a condominium owners policy, or a residential fire and allied lines policy. Sec. 3. PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING CLAIMS. (a) Not later than 24 hours after an insurer or the insured's agent receives notice of a claim for water damage, the insurer shall: (1) contact the insured by written, telephonic, or electronic means of communication; (2) provide the insured with information and guidance regarding emergency repairs, mold prevention, and how to protect the property from further damage, including the handling of active leaks; (3) advise the insured to contact a qualified specialist, if needed, including plumbers and drying companies, who can address a water damage problem immediately; the insurer may provide a list of qualified specialists who can address the problem immediately, but the insurer must advise the insured of the insured's right to select a specialist not on the insurance company's list; (4) provide the insured with a reasonable estimated timetable for the claims process in order to help the insured understand the company's standard procedures and what the insured can reasonably expect; (5) advise the insured of the insured's responsibilities under the insurance policy; and (6) designate one company representative to oversee the claim and to answer the insured's questions; provide the name and contact information of that representative to the insured; and advise the insured that several individuals may be involved with the investigation and processing of the claim. (b) Each insurer shall develop and implement its own procedures for handling water damage claims in a prompt and effective manner. In accordance with these procedures, each insurer shall: (1) have a company representative at the insured's home within 24 to 72 hours of receipt of notice of the claim; insurers should consider the severity of the potential claim in determining when to send the company representative to the insured's home; (2) determine whether the claim is covered and provide an initial estimate of damage in accordance with the time frames and procedures adopted by rule by the commissioner and inform the insured that the estimate is subject to change; (3) provide an explanation of any changes in the estimate and the reasons for the change; (4) provide the insured with a written statement confirming or denying coverage in accordance with the time frames and procedures adopted by rule by the commissioner; (5) provide advance payment for additional living expense in accordance with the time frames established by rule by the commissioner; (6) promptly respond to inquiries and concerns from the insured and keep a record of all communications in the claim activity record, including the time calls were received, the nature of the call, and when the call was returned; (7) identify a range of reasonable costs and standards for water damage, mold remediation, and repair and periodically review methods used to assess repair and replacement costs in order to ensure that they are current and accurate; (8) when selecting or recommending mold remediation specialists, select experienced and reputable contractors who have the necessary safety equipment to do the job properly and safely and ensure that there are no conflicts of interest involving the contractors and specialists in providing testing, water extraction, repair, and any other mold remediation-related services; (9) monitor the remediation and repair processes to ensure that work is progressing and is completed in a timely manner; (10) develop standard guidelines to follow when determining whether additional living expense is applicable in accordance with specific factors adopted by rule by the commissioner; (11) determine whether additional living expense coverage is payable in accordance with the time frames established by rule by the commissioner; (12) reimburse covered additional living expense in accordance with the time frames established by rule by the commissioner; (13) inform the insured of what is included in the additional living expense coverage, how it may be used, and the limits of coverage available under the policy and keep the insured informed of the remaining coverage available under the additional living expense provision; (14) offer to set up and implement a direct-bill system with the insured's selected vendors; (15) identify and cease practices that may unnecessarily increase the additional living expense coverage costs; and (16) return all telephone calls from the insured and all other calls related to the claim within 24 hours. (c) An insurer handling a claim under this article is required to use only adjusters who have the necessary knowledge and experience to handle water damage claims with ensuing mold losses. Sec. 4. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS. Section 4, Article 21.55 of this code, applies to the payment of water damage claims regulated under this article. Sec. 5. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a) To the extent that Article 21.55 of this code addresses matters not covered under this article, the provisions of Article 21.55 of this code apply to water damage claims under this article, except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section. (b) Section 6, Article 21.55 of this code, shall not apply for failure to comply with the requirements of this article, except that that section shall apply for failure to comply with Section 4, Article 21.55 of this code, for water damage claims regulated under this article. Sec. 6. CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAW. To the extent that Article 21.55 of this code addresses matters that are covered under this article, the provisions of this article prevail unless otherwise provided in this article. To the extent of any conflict between the provisions of this article and any other provision of this code, the provisions of this article prevail. SECTION 2. Article 21.55, Insurance Code, is amended by adding Section 9 to read as follows: Sec. 9. CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAW. To the extent of any conflict between this article and Article 21.55A of this code in the handling of water damage claims under residential property insurance policies, the provisions of Article 21.55A of this code prevail. SECTION 3. The commissioner of insurance shall adopt rules implementing Article 21.55A, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, not later than the 120th day after the effective date of this Act. SECTION 4. (a) This Act takes effect June 1, 2003, if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for effect on that date, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) The change in law made by this Act applies only to a claim an insurer receives notice of on or after the effective date of this Act, except that Subdivisions (2), (4), (5), (10), (11), and (12), Subsection (b), Section 3, Article 21.55A, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, shall apply only to a claim an insurer receives notice of on or after the 120th day after the effective date of this Act.