78R500 JRD-D

By:  Ellis                                                        S.B. No. 231

relating to establishing ethics and disclosure requirements for certain persons, including financial consultants and advisors, involved in the management or investment of state funds. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subtitle F, Title 10, Government Code, is amended by adding Chapter 2263 to read as follows:
Sec. 2263.001. APPLICABILITY. (a) This chapter applies in connection with the management or investment of any state funds managed or invested: (1) under the Texas Constitution or other law, including Chapters 404 and 2256; and (2) by or for: (A) a public retirement system as defined by Section 802.001 that provides service retirement, disability retirement, or death benefits for officers or employees of the state; (B) an institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code; or (C) another entity that is part of state government and that manages or invests state funds or for which state funds are managed or invested. (b) This chapter applies in connection with the management or investment of state funds without regard to whether the funds are held in the state treasury. (c) This chapter does not apply to or in connection with a state governmental entity that does not manage or invest state funds and for which state funds are managed or invested only by the comptroller. Sec. 2263.002. DEFINITION. In this chapter, "financial advisor or service provider" includes a financial advisor, financial consultant, money or investment manager, or broker. Sec. 2263.003. CONSTRUCTION WITH OTHER LAW. To the extent of a conflict between this chapter and another law, the law that imposes a stricter ethics or disclosure requirement controls. Sec. 2263.004. ETHICS REQUIREMENTS FOR OUTSIDE FINANCIAL ADVISORS OR SERVICE PROVIDERS. The governing body of a state governmental entity by rule shall adopt standards of conduct applicable to financial advisors or service providers who are not employees of the state governmental entity, who provide financial services to the state governmental entity or advise the state governmental entity or a member of the governing body of the state governmental entity in connection with the management or investment of state funds, and who: (1) may reasonably be expected to receive, directly or indirectly, more than $10,000 in compensation from the entity during a fiscal year; or (2) render important investment or funds management advice to the entity or a member of the governing body of the entity, as determined by the governing body. Sec. 2263.005. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR OUTSIDE FINANCIAL ADVISOR OR SERVICE PROVIDER. (a) A financial advisor or service provider described by Section 2263.004 shall disclose in writing to the administrative head of the applicable state governmental entity and to the state auditor: (1) any relationship the financial advisor or service provider has with any party to a transaction with the state governmental entity, other than a relationship necessary to the investment or funds management services that the financial advisor or service provider performs for the state governmental entity, if the relationship could reasonably be expected to diminish the person's independence of judgment in the performance of the person's responsibilities to the state governmental entity; and (2) all direct or indirect pecuniary interests the financial advisor or service provider has in any party to a transaction with the state governmental entity, if the transaction is connected with any financial advice or service the financial advisor or service provider provides to the state governmental entity or to a member of the governing body in connection with the management or investment of state funds. (b) The financial advisor or service provider shall disclose a relationship described by Subsection (a) without regard to whether the relationship is a direct, indirect, personal, private, commercial, or business relationship. (c) A financial advisor or service provider described by Section 2263.004 shall file annually a statement with the administrative head of the applicable state governmental entity and with the state auditor. The statement must disclose each relationship and pecuniary interest described by Subsection (a), if any. (d) The state auditor by rule shall prescribe the date by which the annual statement must be filed. The state auditor may prescribe a uniform date or may prescribe different dates for statements filed in relation to different state governmental entities. The state auditor shall prescribe a form for the annual statement. (e) The financial advisor or service provider shall promptly file a new or amended statement with the administrative head of the applicable state governmental entity and with the state auditor whenever there is new information to report under Subsection (a). Sec. 2263.006. PUBLIC INFORMATION. Chapter 552 controls the extent to which information contained in a statement filed under this chapter is subject to required public disclosure or excepted from required public disclosure. SECTION 2. Each state governmental entity required to adopt rules under Chapter 2263, Government Code, as added by this Act, shall adopt its initial rules in time for the rules to take effect not later than January 1, 2004. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.