78R5446 SMH-F

By:  Jackson                                                      S.B. No. 710

relating to the share of the cost of a coastal erosion study or project required to be paid by a qualified project partner under an agreement with the commissioner of the General Land Office. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 33.603, Natural Resources Code, is amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (e) and (f) to read as follows: (c) An agreement between the commissioner and a qualified project partner to undertake a coastal erosion response study or project: (1) must require the qualified project partner to pay a specified percentage [at least 15 percent] of the shared project cost that is not less than the minimum amount prescribed by Subsection (e): (A) before completion of the project; or (B) following completion of the project, in accordance with a schedule provided by the agreement; and (2) may contain other terms governing the study or project. (e) A qualified project partner must pay: (1) not less than 25 percent of the shared project cost, if the project is a beach nourishment project on a public beach or bay shore; and (2) not less than 40 percent of the shared project cost, if the project is any other coastal erosion response study or project, including: (A) a marsh restoration project; or (B) a bay shoreline protection project other than a beach nourishment project. (f) Notwithstanding Subsections (c) and (e), each biennium the commissioner may undertake one large-scale beach nourishment project on a public beach without requiring a qualified project partner to pay a portion of the shared project cost if the cost of the project does not exceed one-third of the total amount appropriated to the land office for coastal erosion planning and response. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.