78R3957 CBH-F

By:  Whitmire                                                     S.B. No. 951

relating to use of regional notification centers to provide underground facility notification before excavation. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 251.009, Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 251.009. PROVISION OF GENERAL INFORMATION. At least once each calendar year, at intervals not exceeding 15 months, each Class A underground facility operator who conveys, transmits, or distributes by means of its underground facilities service directly to more than one million residential customers within this state shall provide all of its residential customers in this state general information about excavation activities covered by this chapter and the appropriate [statewide] toll-free telephone number established by the corporation. SECTION 2. Section 251.060, Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 251.060. DUTIES OF CORPORATION. The corporation shall develop and implement processes to: (1) maintain a registration of: (A) notification centers as provided by Section 251.101(a)(3); (B) operators who elect to convert facilities to Class A facilities under Section 251.005(a); or (C) operators who elect to become Class A underground facility operators under Section 251.005(b); (2) establish minimum technical standards used by notification centers; (3) establish a statewide toll-free telephone number to be used by excavators that incorporates the use of a call router system that routes calls to the appropriate regional notification center or establish a toll-free telephone number for each region [centers on a pro rata basis]; (4) oversee the bid process and select the vendor for the [statewide] toll-free telephone number or numbers; (5) oversee the bid process and select the vendor for the call router system, if necessary; (6) determine before May 1 of each year, if necessary, the cost-sharing between the notification centers of: (A) the toll-free telephone number; and (B) the call router system prescribed by Section 251.102(4); (7) develop public service announcements to educate the public about [statewide] one-call notification and its availability; (8) [establish a format for information transfer among notification centers other than high speed data transmission, if appropriate; [(9)] on a complaint concerning charges, investigate and determine appropriate charges; (9) [(10)] recommend a civil penalty against a notification center that does not meet the requirements of this chapter of not less than $1,000 or more than $5,000 for each violation; (10) [(11)] refer the recommended penalty to the attorney general, who shall institute a suit in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover the penalty; (11) [(12)] assist in dispute resolution among notification centers or between a notification center and an operator; (12) [(13)] assist any operator who encounters difficulty in joining the appropriate [a] notification center; and (13) [(14)] review and study design standards for the placement of underground facilities throughout this state. SECTION 3. The heading to Section 251.061, Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 251.061. CONTRACT FOR [STATEWIDE] TOLL-FREE NUMBER OR NUMBERS AND CALL ROUTER SYSTEM. SECTION 4. Section 251.061(a), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The corporation shall solicit proposals for the contract to establish and operate the [statewide] toll-free telephone number or numbers and, if necessary, the call router system by using a request for proposals process that includes specifications that have been approved by the board of directors in accordance with this chapter. SECTION 5. Subchapter C, Chapter 251, Utilities Code, is amended by amending Sections 251.101 and 251.102 and by adding Section 251.1015 to read as follows: Sec. 251.101. NOTIFICATION CENTER. (a) A notification center is a legal entity that: (1) operates a notification system capable of serving all excavators and operators in the system's region [statewide]; (2) is created to: (A) receive notification of an intent to excavate and of damage to an underground facility and disseminate that information to member operators that may be affected by the excavation or damage [and to other notification centers operating in this state]; and (B) receive notification of an extraordinary circumstance and disseminate that information to member operators [and to other notification centers operating in this state]; and (3) registers the following information with the corporation: (A) its name, address, and telephone number; (B) the name of a contact person; (C) a statement of compliance with Section 251.104; and (D) a listing of the counties in the system's region [which it operates]. (b) The three [A] notification centers [center] operating on September 1, 1997, may continue to operate if the notification centers comply [center complies] with this chapter. A notification center may operate only in the region to which the center is assigned by Section 251.1015. If a notification center fails to comply with this chapter, the corporation shall assign another notification center to that region. Sec. 251.1015. NOTIFICATION CENTER REGIONS. (a) Texas Excavation Safety System, Incorporated, is assigned to the northern region. The northern region consists of the counties in the following Texas Department of Transportation districts: (1) Abilene; (2) Amarillo; (3) Atlanta; (4) Brownwood; (5) Childress; (6) Dallas; (7) Fort Worth; (8) Paris; (9) Tyler; (10) Waco; and (11) Wichita Falls. (b) Texas One Call System is assigned to the western region. The western region consists of the counties in the following Texas Department of Transportation districts: (1) El Paso; (2) Laredo; (3) Lubbock; (4) Odessa; (5) Pharr; and (6) San Angelo. (c) Lone Star Notification Center is assigned to the southern region. The southern region consists of the counties in the following Texas Department of Transportation districts: (1) Austin; (2) Beaumont; (3) Bryan; (4) Corpus Christi; (5) Houston; (6) Lufkin; (7) San Antonio; and (8) Yoakum. Sec. 251.102. GENERAL DUTIES OF NOTIFICATION CENTER. A notification center shall: (1) operate 24 hours a day every day of the year; (2) have the capability to receive emergency information 24 hours a day from excavators and disseminate the information as soon as it is received to the appropriate operators [and to all registered and affected notification centers operating in this state]; (3) have the capacity to receive extraordinary circumstance information 24 hours a day from operators and disseminate the information as soon as it is received to all appropriate persons [registered and affected notification centers]; (4) submit to the corporation, not later than May 15 of each year, a pro rata share of the expense, as established by the corporation, of the statewide toll-free telephone number and the call router, if necessary; (5) provide, on request of an excavator, a contact name and telephone number of a representative of the operator for special circumstances; and (6) have personnel capable of assisting Spanish-speaking customers. SECTION 6. Sections 251.107(a) and (b), Utilities Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) Each operator of a Class A underground facility, including a political subdivision of this state, shall participate in the [a] notification center assigned to the region in which that facility is located as a condition of doing business in this state. (b) Each operator of a Class A underground facility shall provide to the notification center assigned to the region in which that facility is located: (1) maps or grid locations or other identifiers determined by the operator indicating the location of the operator's underground facilities; (2) the name and telephone number of a contact person or persons; and (3) at least quarterly but, if possible, as those changes occur, information relating to each change in the operator's maps or grid locations or other identifiers or in the person or persons designated as the operator's contact person or persons. SECTION 7. Section 251.151(a), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) Except as provided by Sections 251.155 and 251.156, a person who intends to excavate shall notify the [a] notification center assigned to the region in which the excavation will occur not earlier than the 14th day before the date the excavation is to begin or later than the 48th hour before the time the excavation is to begin, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. SECTION 8. Section 251.153, Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 251.153. DUTY OF NOTIFICATION CENTER. (a) At the time an excavator provides the [a] notification center with the excavator's intent to excavate, the notification center shall advise the excavator that water, slurry, and sewage underground facilities in the area of the proposed excavation may not receive information concerning the excavator's proposed excavation. (b) [Not later than two hours after the time the notification center receives a notice of intent to excavate from an excavator, the notification center shall provide to every other affected notification center operating in this state the information required by Section 251.152 and received from the excavator. The notification center shall provide the information by the use of high speed data transmission. [(c)] Not later than two hours after the time the notification center receives a notice of intent to excavate from an excavator [or from a different notification center], the notification center shall notify each member operator that may have an underground facility in the vicinity of the proposed excavation operation. SECTION 9. Section 251.154(a), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) A person required to provide notice under this chapter is considered to have provided the notice when the person delivers the required information and the appropriate [a] notification center receives that information within the time limits prescribed by this chapter. SECTION 10. Section 251.155(c), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) When an emergency exists, the excavator shall notify the appropriate [a] notification center as promptly as reasonably possible. SECTION 11. Section 251.158(b), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) The operator shall notify the appropriate [a] notification center of the extraordinary circumstance and shall include in the notification: (1) the nature and location of the extraordinary circumstance; (2) the expected duration of the situation and the approximate time at which the operator will be able to resume location request activities; and (3) the name and telephone number of the individual that the notification system can contact if there is an emergency that requires the operator's immediate attention. SECTION 12. Section 251.159(b), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) If the excavator is not certain of the operator's identity, the excavator shall contact the appropriate [a] notification center to report the damage[, and the notification center shall immediately notify all other affected notification centers]. Immediately on receiving notification, each notification center shall contact each member operator that has underground facilities in or near the area in which the damage occurred. SECTION 13. Section 251.202(c), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) The corporation shall use the money received under this section to develop public service announcements to educate the public about [the statewide] one-call notification system and its availability as prescribed by Section 251.060(7). SECTION 14. Section 251.105(a), Utilities Code, is repealed. SECTION 15. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) The Texas Underground Facility Notification Corporation shall implement the regional notification system as required by this Act not later than January 1, 2004. In implementing the system, the corporation shall ensure that a contract described by Subsection (c) of this section is not impaired. (c) This Act does not affect the validity of a contract between a notification center and an operator that was entered into before the effective date of this Act. An operator that enters into a contract with a notification center before the effective date of this Act shall comply with Section 251.107(a), Utilities Code, as amended by this Act, on expiration of the contract.