78R8644 T
By: Barrientos S.B. No. 1162
relating to the accountability of administrators in institutions of
higher education.
SECTION 1. Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code is
amended by adding Section 51.968 to read as follows:
(1) "Institution of higher education" and "governing
board" have the meanings assigned by Section 61.003.
(2) "Administrator" has the meaning assigned by
Section 51.948, (g), (1).
(3) "Faculty member" has the meaning assigned by
Section 51.960.
(b) In order to ensure that the administration of
institutions of higher education may be conducted in a
cost-efficient manner, each institution of higher education,
including public college and university systems, shall report the
following information by December 1 of each fiscal year to the
Legislative Budget Board:
(1) the total number of persons holding high-ranking
administrative position including chancellors, vice chancellors,
associate chancellors, presidents, vice presidents, associate vice
presidents, assistant vice presidents, deans, associate deans,
assistant deans and all administrators whose job responsibilities
are similar in nature to the specific titles listed in this section;
(2) The name, salary and total value of benefits for
each person holding a position in (1) above;
(3) The percent salary increase for each administrator
who occupied the same position in the previous fiscal year.
(c) The average salary increase in a fiscal year for all
high-ranking administrators at an institution of higher education
as determined by the Legislative Budget Board shall not exceed the
average salary increase for all faculty members in any fiscal year;
in the case of a system, the average salary increase for all
high-ranking administrators within the system shall not exceed the
average for faculty members at all institutions within the system.
(d) If it is determined by the Legislative Budget Board that
the average salary increase for high-ranking administrators
employed by an institution of higher education did exceed the
average salary increase for faculty in any fiscal year, the
governing board of the institution shall take appropriate steps in
the following fiscal year to bring the disparity back into line.
(e) A copy of the report provided to the Legislative Budget
Board under this Section shall be made available by each
institution of higher education to the faculty senate or other
comparable body within seven days of its submission to the
Legislative Budget Board; a copy shall also be placed in the library
of each institution for public inspection;
(f) Institutions of higher education shall report to the
Legislative Budget Board all information required in (b), (c) and
(d) for fiscal year 2003 by November 30, 2003.
(g) All information required in this Section shall be
reported on a form to be developed by the Legislative Budget Board.
(h) President Salaries. Out of the educational and general
funds appropriated to the general academic institutions, health
centers, health science centers, and medical education programs, an
amount may be expended in each year of a biennium that is not to
exceed the average salary for the presidents of peer institutions
by more than three percent. A group of peer institutions shall be
developed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for each
institution. If a salary of a current president exceeds the average
for the institution's peers in any year by more than three percent,
the president may not receive any salary increase from any funding
source until such time as his salary no longer exceeds the average
salary for his institution's peer group by more than three percent.
A new president may not be hired at a salary that exceeds the
average for the peer group of the institution by more than three
percent. It is intent of the Legislature that the granting of
additional benefits to a president shall not be used by the
governing board as a means of circumventing the salary provisions
contained in this section. All presidents may receive in addition
to the above amounts a house, utilities, and/or supplement from
institutional funds. If a house owned by the institution, center or
program is not available, an amount NTE $7,200 per year from the
appropriation to the institution, center or program, and additional
amounts from institutional funds where required, may be provided in
lieu of house and utilities.
(i) Chancellor Salaries. Out of the funds appropriated,
transferred, or contracted to the system offices, an amount may be
expended in 2004 and 2005 that is not to exceed the average salary
for the chancellors of peer systems by more than three percent. A
group of peer systems shall be developed by the Texas Higher
Education Coordinating Board for each system. If a salary of a
current chancellor exceeds the average for the institution's peers
in any year by more than three percent, the chancellor may not
receive any salary increase from any funding source until such time
as his salary no longer exceeds the average salary for his system's
peer group by more than three percent. A new chancellor may not be
hired at a salary that exceeds the average for the peer group of the
institution by more than three percent. It is intent of the
Legislature that the granting of additional benefits to a
chancellor shall not be used by the governing board as a means of
circumventing the salary provisions contained in this section. All
chancellors may receive in addition to the above amounts a house,
utilities, and/or a supplement from institutional funds. If a
system owned house is not available an amount NTE $7,200 per year
from the system office appropriation and additional amounts from
and private and institutional sources where required may be
provided in lieu of house and utilities.
(j) If the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has not
completed its compilation of peer institutions by August 1, 2003,
the salary increase for a president or chancellor in 2004 may not
exceed three percent of the president's or chancellor's salary in
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
Act takes effect September 1, 2003.