By:  Estes                                                        S.B. No. 1407
	(In the Senate - Filed March 13, 2003; March 20, 2003, read 
first time and referred to Committee on Infrastructure Development 
and Security; April 30, 2003, reported favorably, as amended, by 
the following vote:  Yeas 9, Nays 0; April 30, 2003, sent to 

COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                                By:  Ogden

Amend S.B. No. 1407 as follows:                                             
	(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, added Subdivision (2), Section 
391.001, Transportation Code (Introduced version page 1, line 14; 
Committee printing page 1, line 34), strike "limited-access or".
	(2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill, added Subsection (b), Section 
391.091, Transportation Code (Introduced version page 2, line 4; 
Committee printing page 1, line 48), between "department of" and "
10 percent", insert "at least".
	(3)  In SECTION 3 of the bill, added Subsection (g), Section 
391.0935, Transportation Code (Introduced version page 2, line 21; 
Committee printing page 2, line 3), between "department of" and "10 
percent", insert "at least".

relating to regulation of certain information logo signs along certain major highways. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subdivision (2), Section 391.001, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (2) "Eligible highway" means a highway that: (A) is located outside an urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more[;] and [(B)] qualifies for a maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour under 23 U.S.C. Section 154 or, if that law is repealed, qualified for a maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour on the day before the effective date of the repeal; or (B) is a limited-access or controlled-access highway located inside an urbanized area with a population of 50,000 or more. SECTION 2. Section 391.091, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 391.091. ERECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS. (a) The commission shall contract with an individual, firm, group, or association in this state to erect and maintain specific information logo signs at appropriate locations along an eligible highway. (b) A contract under this section shall provide for: (1) the assessment of fees to be paid to a contractor by a commercial establishment eligible for display on the specific information logo sign; and (2) remittance to the department of 10 percent of the fees collected by the contractor. SECTION 3. Section 391.0935, Transportation Code, is amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsections (f) and (g) to read as follows: (c) A major shopping area that has its name displayed on a major shopping area guide sign shall reimburse the commission for all costs associated with the composition, placement, erection, and maintenance of the sign unless the commission has entered into a contract under Subsection (f). (f) The commission may contract with an individual, firm, group, or association in this state to erect and maintain major shopping area guide signs at appropriate locations along an eligible urban highway. (g) A contract under this section shall provide for: (1) the assessment of fees to be paid to a contractor by a major shopping area; and (2) remittance to the department of 10 percent of the fees collected by the contractor. SECTION 4. Subsection (c), Section 391.097, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) A contract under this section shall provide for: (1) the assessment of fees to be paid to a contractor by a commercial establishment of a major agricultural interest; and (2) remittance to the department of 10 percent [a portion] of the fees collected by the contractor [in an amount sufficient to recover the department's costs of administering the program]. SECTION 5. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) The changes in law made to Sections 391.091, 391.0935, and 391.097(c), Transportation Code, by this Act, apply only to a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this Act.
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