78R4851 MTB-F

By:  Staples                                                      S.B. No. 1436

relating to the creation and administration of the community telecommunications alliance program. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 487, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
Sec. 487.451. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Community telecommunications alliance" means an association of public and private entities created to share resources, promote innovative school health technology, and improve the overall quality of life within a local community. (2) "Program" means the community telecommunications alliance program. Sec. 487.452. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. (a) The office and the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board by rule shall adopt a memorandum of understanding establishing the community telecommunications alliance program. The program shall: (1) assist local communities in the creation and development of community telecommunications alliances; (2) assist community telecommunications alliances in applying for grant funding for projects, including: (A) assisting alliances in securing matching private sector funding for projects; and (B) requiring alliances to develop sustainable plans: (i) that demonstrate how the alliance will continue services once the grant funding terminates; and (ii) that do not adversely affect the financial stability of local businesses and telecommunications providers; (3) assist community telecommunications alliances in facilitating access to telecommunications services for local communities to promote rural economic development; and (4) create rural pilot projects to develop innovative school health technology projects. (b) Each community telecommunications alliance established under this section shall have an advisory council with representation from each of the following: (1) a local nonprofit organization; (2) a local county-elected official; (3) a local city-elected official; (4) a local telecommunications provider; (5) a local economic development group; and (6) the local financial community. (c) Eligibility for private network services under this section is limited to the entities listed in Sections 58.253(a) and 59.072(a), Utilities Code, as appropriate. Sec. 487.453. REPORT TO THE LEGISLATURE. Not later than January 1 of each odd-numbered year, the office shall submit to the legislature a report detailing the grant activities of the program and grant recipients. The report must include: (1) the criteria used to quantify the effect grant funds had in advancing telecommunications connectivity and technology; (2) data and performance measures used to quantify the achievement of program objectives; and (3) a description of and results from a grant monitoring risk assessment and on-site review process. SECTION 2. Section 57.047(c), Utilities Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) In awarding a grant or loan under this subchapter, the board shall give priority to a project or proposal that: (1) represents collaborative efforts involving more than one school, university, or library; (2) contributes matching funds from another source; (3) shows promise of becoming self-sustaining; (4) helps users of information learn new ways to acquire and use information through telecommunications; (5) extends specific educational information and knowledge services to a group not previously served, especially a group in a rural or remote area; (6) results in more efficient or effective learning than through conventional teaching; (7) improves the effectiveness and efficiency of health care delivery; [or] (8) takes advantage of distance learning opportunities in a rural or urban school district with a: (A) disproportionate number of at-risk youths; or (B) high dropout rate; or (9) was developed in connection with a community telecommunications alliance program created under Subchapter K, Chapter 487, Government Code. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.