By:  Ogden                                                        S.B. No. 1482
	(In the Senate - Filed March 13, 2003; March 20, 2003, read 
first time and referred to Committee on State Affairs; 
April 25, 2003, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 6, 
Nays 0; April 25, 2003, sent to printer.)

relating to the retirement benefits of certain law enforcement officers in the Employees Retirement System of Texas. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subsection (b), Section 814.107, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) The standard service retirement annuity payable for at least 20 years of service credit as a law enforcement or custodial officer is an amount computed on the basis of the member's average monthly compensation for that service for the 36 highest months of compensation [in the employee class], times the sum of the percentage factor used in the computation of a standard service retirement annuity under Section 814.105 plus: (1) .5 percent for service credit as a custodial officer; (2) .5 percent for service credit as a law enforcement officer, unless the member qualifies under Subdivision (3); or (3) .75 percent for service credit as a law enforcement officer, if the total amount of law enforcement service credited is 30 years or more and at least three years of that service occurs after August 31, 2003. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
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