By:  Gallegos                                                     S.B. No. 1687

relating to star of Texas awards for peace officers, firefighters, and emergency medical first responders who are killed or sustain serious or fatal injuries in the line of duty. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subtitle A, Title 11, Government Code, is amended by adding Chapter 3105 to read as follows:
Sec. 3105.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Emergency medical first responder" means an employee or volunteer of the state, a political subdivision, or an emergency medical services provider who provides urgent on-site medical care to the sick or injured. (2) "Firefighter" includes a volunteer firefighter. (3) "Peace officer" means a peace officer commissioned by the state or a political subdivision of the state under Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, or other law. Sec. 3105.002. PEACE OFFICERS' STAR OF TEXAS AWARD. (a) The Peace Officers' Star of Texas Award may be awarded to a peace officer who is seriously injured in the line of duty or the surviving next of kin of a peace officer who is killed or sustains a fatal injury in the line of duty. (b) The Peace Officers' Star of Texas Award Advisory Committee shall advise the governor on the issuance, design, and presentation of the Peace Officers' Star of Texas Award. (c) The committee consists of three current or retired peace officers appointed by the governor who have each served with distinction during a lengthy career as a peace officer. Sec. 3105.003. FIREFIGHTERS' STAR OF TEXAS AWARD. (a) The Firefighters' Star of Texas Award may be awarded to a firefighter who is seriously injured in the line of duty or the surviving next of kin of a firefighter who is killed or sustains a fatal injury in the line of duty. (b) The Firefighters' Star of Texas Award Advisory Committee shall advise the governor on the issuance, design, and presentation of the Firefighters' Star of Texas Award. (c) The committee consists of three current or retired firefighters appointed by the governor who have each served with distinction during a lengthy career as a firefighter. Sec. 3105.004. FIRST RESPONDERS' STAR OF TEXAS AWARD. (a) The First Responders' Star of Texas Award may be awarded to an emergency medical first responder who is seriously injured in the line of duty or the surviving next of kin of an emergency medical first responder who is killed or sustains a fatal injury in the line of duty. (b) The First Responders' Star of Texas Award Advisory Committee shall advise the governor on the issuance, design, and presentation of the First Responders' Star of Texas Award. (c) The committee consists of three current or retired emergency medical first responders appointed by the governor who have each served with distinction during a lengthy career as an emergency medical first responder. Sec. 3105.005. GENERAL MATTERS AFFECTING ADVISORY COMMITTEE. (a) Each member of an advisory committee created under this chapter serves at the will of the governor. (b) The governor shall designate the presiding officer of each advisory committee. (c) Each advisory committee shall meet at the call of the governor or the presiding officer of the committee. (d) A member of an advisory committee may not receive compensation for service on the committee or reimbursement for travel expenses incurred while conducting the business of the committee. (e) An advisory committee is not subject to Chapter 2110. Sec. 3105.006. PRESENTATION; AWARD. (a) The governor or the governor's representative shall present in the name of the state a star of Texas award under this chapter to the appropriate recipient or surviving next of kin during a public ceremony. (b) At a minimum, the award shall consist of a medal, a certificate, and a ribbon suitable for wearing on a uniform. Sec. 3105.007. RECOMMENDATION FOR AWARD. Any person who has personal knowledge that a peace officer, firefighter, or emergency medical first responder has been killed or seriously injured in the line of duty may submit that information in writing to a committee under this chapter. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003.