78R9069 T

By:  Wentworth                                                    S.B. No. 1704

relating to the issuance of specially designed license plates by the Texas Department of Transportation. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 502.2524 to read as follows: Sec. 502.2524. CREATION OF NEW SPECIALTY PLATES BY THE DEPARTMENT. (a) The department may create new specialty license plates on its own initiative or on receipt of an application from a potential sponsor. A new specialty plate created under this section must meet the requirements of Section 502.2526 unless it is created by the department on its own initiative. The department may allow a new specialty license plate to be personalized. (b) Any person may sponsor a new specialty plate by submitting an application. An application may nominate a state agency to receive funds generated by the new specialty plate. An application may also identify uses to which the funds generated by the new specialty plate should be appropriated. (c) The department shall design each new specialty plate in consultation with the sponsor, if any, that applied for creation of that specialty plate. The plate design shall be the exclusive property of the department. The department may refuse to create a new specialty plate if the design might be offensive to any members of the public, if the nominated state agency does not consent to receipt of the funds generated by the plate, if the uses identified for the funds might violate any statutory or constitutional provision, or for any other reason established by the commission. At the request of the sponsor, distribution of the plate may be limited by the department. If distribution of a specialty plate is limited to particular persons or vehicles, the application must include evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant and the applicant's vehicle are eligible. (d) The department shall issue specialty plates created under this section to a person who: (1) applies to the county assessor-collector of the county in which the person resides on a form provided by the department; and (2) pays an annual fee of $30 in addition to the fee prescribed by Section 502.161 and, if personalized prestige license plates are issued, in addition to the fee prescribed by Section 502.251. (e) The first $15,000 collected as fees for a new specialty plate shall be deposited to the credit of the state highway fund to reimburse the department for its initial costs in beginning production of the new specialty plate. After the first $15,000, for each fee collected: (1) an amount determined by the commission shall be deposited to the credit of the state highway fund to reimburse the department for its incremental costs in producing each specialty plate; and (2) the remainder shall be deposited to the credit of: (A) the specialty license plate fund, an account in the general revenue fund, if the sponsor nominated a state agency to receive the funds; or (B) the state highway fund if the sponsor did not nominate a state agency to receive the funds or if there is no sponsor. (f) Subchapter D, Chapter 316, Government Code, and Section 403.095, Government Code, do not apply to fees collected under this section. (g) The department may report to the legislature at any time concerning implementation of this section. The report may include recommendation concerning the appropriations, by amount, state agency, and uses, that would be necessary to implement the requests of sponsors. (h) If a sponsor did not name a state agency to receive the funds or if there is no sponsor, the department may license a trademark for inclusion within the design of the plates and may pay a fee for the trademark license. (i) If the specialty plates issued under this section are lost, stolen, or mutilated, the owner of the vehicle for which the plates were issued may obtain replacement plates from the department by paying the replacement fee prescribed by Section 502.184(a)(2). If the owner of a vehicle registered under this section disposes of the vehicle during the registration year, the owner shall return the specialty plates to the department. (i) The commission shall adopt rules and the department shall issue forms to implement this section. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect January 1, 2004.