78R187 JXC-D

By:  Jackson                                                    S.C.R. No. 24 

WHEREAS, Dr. Jesse Vernal Irons, a director of laboratories for the Texas Department of Health for over 20 years, contributed significantly to the health of all Texans; the growth and development of the state public health laboratory system over the middle part of the 20th century owes much to his ingenuity, persistence, and courage; and WHEREAS, Dr. Irons joined the Texas Department of Health in 1933, where he served as chief bacteriologist, assistant director, and associate director before being named director of laboratories in 1946; and WHEREAS, During his tenure with the department, he devised a rapid test for diagnosis of smallpox that was used extensively in an outbreak in 1949, and he guided much of the pioneering work in the development of specific technology for large-scale production and distribution of smallpox vaccine; also, under the leadership of Dr. Irons, the State Public Health Laboratory was licensed for the purpose of manufacturing vaccines against whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid, and smallpox; and WHEREAS, Dr. Irons also served as an adjunct professor of microbiology at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and The University of Texas at Austin and authored or coauthored more than 90 scientific and professional publications during his career; he was also a member of many health-related organizations, often serving in leadership positions, and received numerous honors and recognitions for his work; and WHEREAS, It is indeed fitting that Dr. Irons be memorialized for his achievements as a leader in the field of public health in Texas and that this recognition be in association with a facility that so accurately represents his contribution and commitment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby direct the Texas Building and Procurement Commission to name the new public health laboratory building in Austin for Dr. Jesse Vernal Irons as a tribute to his dedication and remarkable efforts toward the health and betterment of all Texans; and, be it further RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official copy of this resolution to the chair and the executive director of the Texas Building and Procurement Commission.