2003S1271-2 05/07/03

By:  Janek                                                      S.C.R. No. 52 

WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize the largest live oak tree in Texas, a 62-foot-high specimen, 10.25 feet wide, located in the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge in Brazoria County; and WHEREAS, The Texas Forest Service has officially crowned the tree the new state champion; found deep within the forest of the wildlife refuge by federal wildlife biologist Michael Lange, the tree has been added to the state's Big Tree Registry, which is a record that has been kept since the 1940s of the largest of Texas' 250 tree species; and WHEREAS, The tree replaces the 43-foot-tall, nine-foot-wide giant oak in Goose Island State Park, which had held the title of largest live oak in Texas since 1966; and WHEREAS, The Lone Star State is home to 69 national champions, which places it behind only two other states for having the most oversized tree species; many of the Texas species exist nowhere else; and WHEREAS, The San Bernard live oak is estimated to be more than 200 years old and has likely been nurtured by the nutrient-rich soils laid down in the forest each time the Brazos, San Bernard, and Colorado rivers flood; it is in a densely wooded area surrounded by many large oaks which probably protected the tree from being knocked down in the 1900 hurricane; and WHEREAS, There is both historical significance and an environmental value to large trees, since they are credited with controlling air pollution and purifying water; the biggest of any species has a uniqueness that people are drawn to, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service hopes to soon start tours to the largest live oak in Texas; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby pay tribute to the live oak champion in Texas located in the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be prepared in honor of this tree and its discovery.