2003S0053-2 01/15/03

By:  Armbrister, Bivins                                           S.R. No. 16 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, That the Rules of the Senate of the 77th Legislature are adopted as the Permanent Rules of the Senate of the 78th Legislature with the following modifications: 1. Amend Subsection (a) of Rule 5.14 to read as follows: (a) During a regular session of the Legislature, any member who desires to suspend the regular order of business and take up a bill, joint resolution, or resolution out of its regular order shall give notice of such intent to the Secretary of the Senate, in a manner specified by the Secretary, not later than 3:00 [4:00] p.m. on the last preceding calendar day that the Senate was in session. Unless the printing rule has been previously suspended, no bill, joint resolution, or resolution shall be eligible to be placed on the Intent Calendar unless at the time that the notice is given to the Secretary of the Senate the bill, joint resolution, or resolution has been printed and furnished to each member of the Senate. Notice must be given from day to day. No member may give notice on more than three bills or resolutions prior to April 15 or on more than five bills or resolutions on or after April 15. The Senate may not suspend the regular order of business and take up a bill, joint resolution, or resolution until the second day the bill, joint resolution, or resolution has been posted on the Intent Calendar. 2. Amend Subsection (b) of Rule 7.24 to read as follows: (b) No bill shall be passed [considered during a regular session] which has not been presented and referred to and reported from a Senate committee at least three [17] days before the final adjournment of the Legislature. It shall require a vote of four-fifths of the members present to suspend this rule. 3. Amend Rule 11.02 to read as follows:
Rule 11.02. At the beginning of each regular session, the President shall appoint the following [special and] standing committees with the number of members indicated:
[(1) Committee on Redistricting (8 members)]
(1) Committee on Administration (7 [5] members) (2) Committee on Criminal Justice (7 members) (3) Committee on Business and Commerce (9 [7] members) (4) Committee on Education (9 members) (5) Committee on Finance (15 [13] members) (6) Committee on Government Organization (7 members) (7) Committee on Health and Human Services (9 members) (8) Committee on Infrastructure Development and Security (9 members) (9) [(7)] Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (5 [7] members) (10) Committee on International Relations and Trade (7 members) (11) [(8)] Committee on Jurisprudence (7 members) (12) [(9)] Committee on Natural Resources (11 [7] members) (13) [(10)] Committee on Nominations (7 members) (14) [(11)] Committee on State Affairs (9 members) (15) [(12)] Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations (5 members) 4. Amend Rule 16.04 to read as follows:
Rule 16.04. A vote of four-fifths of the members present shall be required to: (1) suspend the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days; Rule 7.18 (Constitution, Article III, Section 32) See note to Rule 7.18. (2) suspend the requirement that a bill be reported from a Senate committee at least three [17] days before final adjournment of a regular session; Rule 7.24 (Constitution, Article III, Section 37) (3) pass a bill on third reading after the 135th calendar day of a regular session; Rule 7.25. (4) take any action on a bill within the last 24 hours of the session except to correct an error therein; Rule 7.25. (5) suspend the Intent Calendar rules; Rule 5.14. (6) reset a special order to earlier time. Rule 5.11.