WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to recognize Captain Jack H. Smith upon his retirement as a Galveston-Texas City Pilot after more than 31 years of outstanding service; and WHEREAS, Captain Smith will be honored for his many years of distinguished service at a reception on January 28, 2003; and WHEREAS, Jack Smith graduated from the first class of the Texas Maritime Academy at Texas A&M University at Galveston in 1966; he served as a licensed deck officer with the Merchant Marines during the Vietnam War, helping to transport vital goods and military equipment from 1966 to 1971; and WHEREAS, From May of 1971 to September of 2002, Captain Smith served as a branch pilot for the Galveston-Texas City Pilots, displaying expertise in guiding ships safely in and out of the ports of Galveston and Texas City; he supervised the construction of the Galveston-Texas City Pilot Station on Pelican Island in 2001; he also served for two terms as spokesman and marine superintendent for the Galveston-Texas City Pilots; and WHEREAS, Captain Smith improved the quality of deputy pilots in Galveston County by implementing rigorous selection requirements and by developing a new training program; he also improved the safety of the harbors of Galveston and Texas City through his service on various committees and as a consultant for the port authorities; and WHEREAS, The United States Coast Guard, 8th District, recognized him for his many years of service on the Houston Galveston Navigation and Safety Committee; and WHEREAS, An exemplary citizen, Captain Smith served skillfully and effectively as a Galveston-Texas City Pilot; he is also a devoted family man who is active in his community and his church; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby commend Captain Jack H. Smith for his many years of outstanding service to the Galveston-Texas City Pilots and extend best wishes to him for the retirement years ahead; and, be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for him as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate. Jackson ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on January 22, 2003. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate