WHEREAS, A delegation of proud Edinburg citizens is visiting the Texas Senate on January 29, 2003, in celebration of Edinburg Day at the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, Located in one of the fastest-growing areas in the country, Edinburg is the county seat of Hidalgo County and home to one of the Rio Grande Valley's premier institutions of higher learning, The University of Texas--Pan American; and WHEREAS, Edinburg's exceptional civic leadership and dramatic expansion have generated significant economic growth, and a $20 million medical research facility that is currently under construction for The University of Texas Regional Academic Health Center will provide an additional, major boost to the economy of Edinburg and the Rio Grande Valley; and WHEREAS, Citizens of Edinburg have a strong tradition of collaborating effectively to address important local issues, and their efforts have won for their community recognition as an All-America City three times by the National Civic League; conferred on only a handful of recipients each year, this award speaks volumes about the extent of citizen involvement and commitment in the locales that are honored; and WHEREAS, Throughout the years, Edinburg has distinguished itself as one of our state's outstanding communities, and it is indeed fitting that the city and its residents receive appropriate legislative recognition for their many accomplishments; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 78th Legislature, hereby recognize January 29, 2003, as Edinburg Day at the State Capitol and extend to the members of the city's delegation a warm welcome and sincere best wishes for an enjoyable visit. Hinojosa ________________________________ President of the Senate I hereby certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the Senate on January 29, 2003. ________________________________ Secretary of the Senate ________________________________ Member, Texas Senate